[i]Location: Alf Leyla Salah at Opera Square[/I][/center]

[color=cyan]"I'm only messing around love."[/color] Lauren tried to hold back a smile she was just messing around like she always did with her customers and friends, she ran a hand through her hair as she listened in on Aziza and Harry Walsh speak to one another. So the man that Aziza was talking to was in the war she assumed, luckily she didn't know anyone personally who ended up having to fight in a war. She turned to look back at Aziza and thought for a moment, she also did have some questions and wanted to at least know more about Egyptian history. [color=cyan]"Do you mind if I tag along with you?"[/color] Lauren asked.

She looked over her shoulder as someone spilled one of their drinks, Lauren reached under the bar counter and grabbed a cloth and went over and started to wipe it off. She looked over her shoulder at Aziza and Harry for a moment, Lauren did want to also explore a little bit more one of the reasons why she decided to come to Egypt other then to stay low. Once she finished cleaning up the mess she went back towards the two of them and leaned up against the bar.