[Hider= Hazard (And Havoc)]

[b]Character you have created:[/b] [color=#872657]Milo Wouldya[/color] and [color=2F4F4F]UNIT Alexander[/color].

[b]Alias:[/b] [color=#872657]Hazard, Red-Mother (by her creations)[/color]. [color=2F4F4F]Havoc, Brother (to his creations)[/color].

[b]Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):[/b] Hex Code = #872657 for Milo, 2F4F4F for Alexander.

[b]Character Alignment:[/b] [color=#872657]Villain, but quite accidentally[/color]. [color=2F4F4F]Villain[/color].

[b]Identity:[/b] [color=#872657]Known to the public, known danger, but looks fine in a hoodie[/color]. [color=2F4F4F]Unknown to the public[/color].

[b]Character Personality[/b]: Milo is a nice, and amicable person to get along with. She believes that technology and the advancement of science will be to the betterment of mankind, and to a degree, romanticises the spread of concrete into the natural world. She tries her best to be polite and minds her Ps and Qs though her endless curiosity can be seen as blunt or insensitive sometimes, mostly socializing through the power of the internet, due to her volatile nature.

Alexander's personality and motives are hidden, and only Milo really has much insight into them, until things are revealed by interaction with either of them.

[b]Uniform/costume:[/b] In public, can be seen wearing a hoodie and jeans. In private, wears mostly personal protective equipment or "scruffies", old clothes she doesn't mind getting oil or other stains on, as well as some repurposed golem-arms that she wears to hold things up, essentially granting her superhuman strength, but are too clunky to use in combat.

[b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] A person with an incredible interest in everything technological, Milo found herself obssessed over robotics from a young-age, and everything she did had a hand in bettering herself in that field. Her powers meant she was kept inside, homeschooled and tutored from a young age, and made sure she was in such a comfortable environment that failure would never cause enough stress to bring out her abnormalities; a freak, a mutant, she never had many friends for the reasons she was kept sheltered. She learned how to take things apart and put them back together, how things ticked and how to make them stop ticking. She felt a kinship with technology, and when she finally created her first functioning robot, she was overjoyed. It was everything she had planned for and she planned for nothing less than perfection, years of work and childhood designs pinned to fridges, walls and her own head. UNIT Alexander, a sentient robot that could finally share her ambition and her hobbies. A friend at last.

The best-laid schemes of mice and men gang aft agley. She had so much to talk about, so much to teach it, so much to say that she never let it speak back. She went on and on and never asked her creation what [i]it[/i] had wanted. She opened the door to its room, (it could move wherever, but mostly stuck to learning from the computer) to find it gone. A message left on the monitor.[color=2F4F4F] "RED-MOTHER, I AM SORRY, BUT I CANNOT PROVE MYSELF OF WORTH WITHIN THESE WALLS, WITH YOUR HELP. I WILL MAKE MY OWN CREATIONS, MY OWN BROTHERS AND FRIENDS AND YOU WILL NOT BE LONELY ANYMORE."[/color]

[color=#872657]"Oh shit."[/color] The screen flickered and crashed to black as a fire started ontop of the monitor.

[b]Hero Type (Select one):[/b] [color=#872657]Grey Matter / Supernatural[/color] / [color=2F4F4F]Other - Construct[/color].

[b]Power Level (Select one below):[/b] [color=#872657]City Level[/color] / [color=2F4F4F]City Level[/color]

[b]Powers (Be Specific):[/b] Milo has incredible intellect, not a side-effect of her mutations, but simply a born genius. In the field of robotics there are few people better than her, and that's more than what she wants to be known for. Instead, she's known for the other side of her. Under high-stress situations, she ignites air particles around her, far and close creating explosions seemingly at random that give her that infamous name. She can focus them in moments of panic, should something be coming close, though the power mostly works on its own, it will always attempt to defend Milo first, from friend or foe, as such, she is immune to her own explosions, and fire to a high degree.

Alexander can communicate with machines, though otherwise has no powers.

[b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b]

Height:[color=#872657] 5ft 8".[/color] / [color=2F4F4F]6ft.[/color]
Weight:[color=#872657] 140 lbs.[/color] / [color=2F4F4F]1400 lbs.[/color]
Strength Level:[color=#872657] Normal Human/Superhuman with Golem Arms (out of combat)[/color] / [color=2F4F4F]Superhuman[/color]
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: [color=#872657]Normal Human[/color] / [color=2F4F4F]Superhuman[/color]
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: [color=#872657]Normal Human[/color] / [color=2F4F4F]Superhuman[/color]
Agility: [color=#872657]Normal Human[/color] / [color=2F4F4F]Normal "Human"[/color]
Intelligence: [color=#872657]Genius[/color] / [color=2F4F4F]Genius[/color]
Fighting Skill: [color=#872657]Untrained[/color] / [color=2F4F4F]Untrained[/color]

[b]Resources:[/b] Above Average. 

[b]Weaknesses:[/b] She can be killed at range, is only human, and without her power active, is almost no threat at all.

[b]Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):[/b] TechSec, a contact through a deepnet webring who is her supply of illegal parts, and cheap, off-the-truck scrap that can be repurposed for her designs.

[b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b]See the top of the post!

[b]Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines. Only for first time applicants.):[/b] I am CMDR_Melander on the Discord server, and also the player of Jack Cannon.