The boy leaned up at the pained expression of the delicate Queen, at the horror she must have relived and the ghosts that plague her mind. He has only heard stories of knights falling to the madness of their emotions, feeling pure dread from mere words, so witnessing the tragic transformation was probably a different level of experience altogether. Mikhael supposed he had a front-row seating to Demonization, feeling the cold lump residing deep inside. But it didn't feel hopeless yet. "I will not fail you." his crimson eyes wandering around, head bowing in humility, "That Rajaka... he said that there is something I must do... become stronger for when he returns. I feel there is a more daunting task even after that. I always knew there was something wrong with me, ever since I had been kindled to arcana those years ago. Perhaps I have already been demonizing since then? I had been running away all this time, afraid of stirring awake that [i]thing[/i]..." his lips frowning at the thought, "But I care not what happens to me anymore. Even if I succumb to the same fate as those before, turn into a unsightly beast, I will do anything. So long as everyone--" hand clenching, "So long as [i]you[/i] can live on safely." Mikhael moved as to get out of bed, but his fatigued body dragged upon him, wavering as his mind blanked momentarily. It was like his muscles had become jelly all of a sudden. He slumped back, cursing under his breath at the weakness. "Damn, when I have I become so pathetic...?"