[quote=@Sep] So obviously, no offense to anyone, I don't want just anything to go on the Wikia (working on a template for characters, and you're all free to put your accepted characters up once that's ready). So I was thinking for the likes of technology, and anything that's happened on Earth do you guys want to just chat with me about your idea or do you want me to make a 'form' thing for you to fill in? This is just so that stuff going up is monitored, as I say I have a lot of ideas for this universe but there's room for all of you guys to build too and make it your own and I want to give you all that chance. [/quote] I'm curious about what kind of things you're going to include in the wikia. My first post, which I'm going to start on as soon as I finish reading the IC, contains a couple of npc's. Will you be including characters like that and if so, should we make some brief bio's for them?