Player Name: Charter Name: 2nd Lieutenant Victor Caldeck Imperial Designation: SF-225 Age: 33 Appearance: Standard TIE Pilot gear. [hider][img][/img][/hider] Gender: Male Race: Human Force Sensitive Y/N: No Equipment: A standard issue [url=]TIE/IN Interceptor[/url][/url], a [url=]DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol[/url] and TIE pilot armor. Skills: [list] [*][b][color=f49ac2]Squadron Tactics[/color][/b] - TIEs tend not to survive on their own, as a result all pilots are trained to work as a team with their wingmen or other squadrons when necessary. [*][b][color=f49ac2]Disciplined[/color][/b] - Due to their training regime, TIE pilots are expected to show no fear in the face of danger. Victor is no exception. [*][b][color=f49ac2]Ace TIE Pilot[/color][/b] - Victor has survived the Galactic Civil war and has continued to survive. While not the best the Empire had during the time of Palpatine and lord Vader, he's the one of the few actual aces to survive the destruction of the second Death Star and transfer themselves into the Infinite Empire. [*][b][color=f49ac2]Squadron Leader/Officer Training[/color][/b] - Victor has been given his own squadron of ace TIE/IN Interceptors. He performs his duties well and makes sures his squadron keeps up or he threatens to take them off the team. As of yet, the only ones to be removed from the squadron are those who end up dying in a fight. He has been known to order other squadrons around if they either seem confused or are on the verge of breaking. [/list] Strengths: [list] [*][b][color=0072bc]Reliable Shot[/color][/b] - When using his none-standard issue blaster pistol, Victor has proven to be able to use it effectively. [*][b][color=0072bc]Can't Touch This[/color][/b] - When in a space battle, Victor has the capability to avoid a good deal of fire. If he needs to, he can attempt to avoid damage by pushing his vehicle to the limit while not being able to fire at anything. [*][b][color=0072bc]My Loyalty Is True...[/color][/b] - Victor is loyal to a fault. He will follow orders as directly as they are given, whether he agrees with them or not. (Continued in '[b]Weaknesses[/b]') [/list] Weaknesses: [list] [*][b][color=ed1c24]Not Very Good At This...[/color][/b] - Victor is trained to be a pilot, not a ground soldier and definitely not able to hold his own in a brawl or any melee combat. [*][b][color=ed1c24]I Think I'm Going To Be Sick![/color][/b] - If Victor is forced to evade incoming fire for too long, the Gs he's pulling off will start to get to him. He'll have to either pull off from the chase or escape before throwing up in his helmet and thus drowning himself in his own vomit. [*][b][color=ed1c24]... But My Intentions Are Truer[/color][/b] - (Continued from '[b]Strengths[/b]') If orders aren't completely clear or there's room for interpretation, he'll improvise and do what he thinks is best. While this can be helpful at times, he values the life of sentient beings as a whole, even if they are alien scum. He tends to put himself in harm's way to try to save a wingman if possible. This may put him at odds with his leaders as he can be sometimes vocal about this. [/list] History: Victor grew up in a noble family on the busy world of Coruscant. He grew up with 3 other siblings and their nursing droid, while his parents performed their own ambitious plans. Victor nearly flunked school as a child, failing to have any ambition to achieve greatness like his parents. They would criticize him about this but couldn't get their desired response out of him. It wasn't until he joined up with the Imperial Navy of his own accord that he found a purpose. What he lacked all his life the Empire fulfilled by giving him both purpose and a sense of duty, responsibility and honor. This want to be the best the Empire had to offer is what lead him into the cockpit of the TIE/IN Interceptor and his survivability is what allowed him to become both an ace and a veteran. Upon the destruction of the second Death Star, along with Palpatine and lord Vader, Victor was beginning to see the Empire fall apart. When Darth Tidus arrived to create newly named Infinite Empire, Victor was one of the first to join. --- Will correct stuff later. off to work. KTHXBYE!