Loretta closed an eye and took a deep breath as the alarm began blaring. She had grown up in space, on a ship. Unlike most of these dirt dwellers she was used to this situation, so after composing herself she simply stood up from where she sat eating her meal and began walking back to Cryogenics. Naturally it was a reasonable walk but the public transportation system was still functional, it was a simple case of hoping onto one of the units scanning her ID card and having it take her to her destination. The bonus of it being an Emergency is near nobody else was leaving the hub, everyone was coming to it. Which gave her a quiet ride amid all the chaos. She wasn't fond of how panicked dirt dwellers got in situations like this, while some of her own people did tend to get worried in combat situations (as they rightly should) they rarely got as violent as dirt dwellers, saying that Martians typically managed to compose themselves but that was probably because they were all indoctrinated fools. She brushed her way past several people leaving cryo, likely people who had been trying to get to see their loved ones in person before the crisis status was called. Not that there was much difference in actually coming all the way down to cryo and what they were givne the opportunity to view from their quarters. They said it felt different, but in the end the person in the pod was still frozen in stasis and the person outside was still hanging onto the past rather than thinking about the future. These people were their future, hopefully there'd be a future for some of the dirt dwellers on some far off planet as well. As much as she felt that a space station would have been the best course of action she couldn't deny with this ships crew and those in stasis a planet was the best course of action for long term viability. She just hoped that if she was alive to see that day that she'd be allowed to remain on the ship, after all what were they going to do with it when that time came? It came with prefabricated structures for housing so it's not like they'd tear it apart nor have need to. More likely it'd become the center of whatever civilization formed. Even a ship on dirt was a better thought to her than actually living on dirt. She turned to the nearest tech. "Give me a status update." "We're experiencing a combat alert, we've not been told much other than we should prepare the vault to act as a disaster bunker." She audibly groaned, she hated the idea of bringing people into the cryobay during an emergency. Yes keep essential personnel in the bay, seal it off so that it would survive if the ship exploded. Though throwing people who are unqualified to work in the bay into the mix and that just causes trouble. No doubt if the situation were to escalate to that point there'd be people trying to open pods or see loved ones and it would just be a mess. Though at the end of the day, these were her orders from her Captain. "Seal down the pods, full security lockdown. I want to make sure that if people are running around in here that they're not going to wake anyone up or anything stupid. Have all the recovery bays stocked ready to offer medical assistance in the event that someone comes in here injured and prepare to seal the vault doors the second the orders are given." "Yes Ma'am." [i]Ma'am[/i]. She hated working with military types.