[i]DEPLOYMENT[/i] The warning screamed across Sara's eyes for a second as she noted the pair of T-47s deploying from the Vitae. The Nighthawks, 11th Squadron were a squadron of primarily scout pilots- though quite capable in strike fighters as well, as they all were, they specialized with the scout-ships, whereas folks like Sara specialized in fighters. Sara personally disliked flying the delicate, temperamental T-47. Sure, having all that tech was nice, but it felt like flying a china vase through a hailstorm. Much to her dismay, these ships weren't even armed with missiles, but rather, sported ECM pods. Plans from Sgt. Calhound, involved the T-47s skimming the hull of the ship with these ECM pods whilst the Barracudas and Grave Robbers babysat them. A plan that Sara wasn't too keen on- especially with the enemy closing in on them, and with the fact that there were so few of them. With a reluctant growl, Sara keyed her comms and confirmed. "Roger that, Grave Robbers ready for baby-sitting duty." They had a scant few minutes before the Devastators were upon them, and why the CAG thought it was a good idea to run electromagnets over the hull, but orders were orders and Sara wasn't too keen on getting court martialed after her first sortie. The T-47s began their runs over the Vitae's hull, over the close watch of the Barracudas and Grave Robbers. They had no visual confirmation that whatever they were doing was working, so they'd just have to put faith on Chief Calhound's plan and hope it didn't bite them in the ass. Sara kept a sharp eye on her radar, making sure that the Devastators didn't get too close to them- if they got too close for comfort, Sara and the rest of her command would engage the Devastators- Calhound's orders be damned. "I don't like this Twitch." Called Setter, the squadron leader for Barracudas, over the comms. He wasn't too keen on the idea of babysitting instead of engaging either. "None of us are. Lets just feel it out." Sara replied over the open comms. Opening a private channel with Setter via her Smart-Vision, she relayed different opinions. [i]We've got no more than a few minutes before the Devastators are on us, we'll keep the squadrons towards the tail end of the Vitae- Once those Devastators hit the 10km range marker, we engage and we send them all to hell.[/i] [i]Roger that.[/i]