[color=plum][center][h3]- Laurel -[/h3][/center][/color] [center][@FallenTrinity][/center] [hr] Laurel wasn't paying particularly much attention to Sulley until he pulled away from her, eliciting and hiss of displeasure from her lips. Her green eyes snapped open sharply as she watched him sitting up next to her. She had been thoroughly enjoying the heat, basking in it. As it was now she was hot enough that had a human touched her she certainly would have burned them. Sulley had stoked the fire living within her until her olive skin was flushed with heat, slightly darker in color as if she had been tanned from the inside out. Her eyes were lit with the same fire, it flickered and danced just beyond the depths of her irises. Having your vision replaced with someone else's by some sort of dragon magic was not on Laurel's list of things she really liked to do, that she was more than certain of. Her body went rigid for a moment, her muscles tensing in a brief surge of displeasure before she forced her body to relax, Sulley was in front of her now she could tell from the sounds in the room but she could only see herself like she was looking in a mirror. She could see the soft curve of her calves and thighs above slender feet with black and gold painted toenails, then the swell of her hips, the red lacy silk panties she wore contrasted starkly above her now darkened skin. A taut stomach with delicately exposed lines of muscle and the round curve of her breasts. Further up she could see the shadowed dip of her collarbone and the elegant curve of her neck. Her facial features were flushed with heat, cheeks as rosy as if she'd trekked through the Sahara. Her decadently thick black was spilled across the dark ruby pillowcase, engulfing it in blackness. She could see the fire in her own eyes for once. When her own vision returned her blazing green eyes peered directly up at the dragon. He held himself easily aloft, covering her much smaller frame with his own. She reflected his heat, waves of it visibly rolling off her as she lay beneath him while he spoke. His own hair was a similar color to hers though it was touched with red like everything else about him. Laurel unconsciously reached up to run a matte black fingernail along his sharp cheekbone while he spoke looking down at her. She pulled her hand away as he moved easily, his hair barely brushing her throat. His words had the most impact though, her muscles quivered as a shiver ran down her body like the best kind of cold chill. Only she was hot, not hot enough to melt her sheets but she would be close if he kept this up. Other than her shiver it wasn't until his lips were a minute distance away that she reacted, her slender hands ghosting across and up his bare chest to wrap around his neck. Her burning green eyes rose up from looking at his lips to stare into the red and gold orbs above her before she rose up the fraction of an inch to close the remaining distance between them.