“Status report” Gavon cycled through various three-dimensional views of the Vitae’’s layout, level-by-level, highlighting certain areas that were still being red flagged as “medium alert hostility” zones. “Sir, Agents on most floors have checked in with a green light, as crowds began to disperse and head to their respective quarters or designated safe zones.” The young Dispatcher, no more than eighteen or nineteen continued keying in a sequence of commands with an eagerness often found in a child looking to prove they have the grit to overcome any obstacles. “In addition sir, I've interfaced with Noah, and had pathway lights illuminated throughout the Ark, which will help to facilitate crowd control and direction, via visual guidance.” “Nice work Jaxson.” The kid grinned from ear to ear as he stared at the multiple monitors directly in front and just above his eye level, making any relevant notes in the security logs. The young lady sitting next to him rolled her eyes at her co-worker’s smug attitude, knowing she had been helping him along for much of the trip thus far as well as throwing suggestions to strengthen his training. But, being she was the more mature of the two, she stayed silent and let the kid have his fifteen minutes of fame. Chief TreVayne paid special notice to the zones in and around Cryogenics, considering the feedback he’d received from the science staff overseeing that department, as well as their Lead Scientist, Loretta Raidne. Even as Security’s responsibility was to “keep the peace”, pulling people from their time with family and loved ones who were currently frozen in stasis pods had become a point of contention. On a few occasions, the Chief of Security was accused of having no sympathy for these grieving families, but when it came down to life or death decisions, there was no compromising common sense. Initially, Gavon ensured Doctor Raidne and her staff that there would be minimal interference from his Agents, however, as things rapidly changed and alert status was higher than normal, it was time for those civilians to vacate Cryogenics. Perhaps a time will come when things [i]will[/i] settle down...