[i]9.77N/kg[/i] After re-equipping the slightly singed HAZMAT helmet, the technician allowed her eyes to wander. She shouldn't have ignored the signs; in fact, it was quite surprising that she even [i]managed[/i] that. With her post manned pre-launch, she was so distracted by the absolute nonsense spouted by the Admiral that she missed her internal gyroscopes switching her GUI to what seemed to be "outer-space-mode". And when she finally had some time for self-diagnostic, the accelerometer reading hit her like a ton of bricks. [i]9.67N/kg Average, 0.2N/kg Deviation, Artificial Gravity Detected[/i] This was it. This ship, and whatever other Arks that manage to follow it, are the only remains of humanity. Home was officially abandoned for the predator to bite and gouge. Her shining red eyes re-focused on the acting chief engineer just in time for the woman to finish her tirade and lose interest. As the officer turned her back and went off to police the other teams back to work, she seemed to move away from the pretend-technician to some kind of dark infinity. The walls became transparent as her artificial senses took hold over her attention, and she envisioned herself moving through space, alone and lost. She was suddenly very cold, despite her external temperature reading around 50 degrees celsius, her armor still hot from the malfunction. Her arms crossed in an involuntary motion into a self-hugging gesture, the clawed fingers clinking along the alloyed shoulders. For a long moment, she was ignored by her coworkers, flying alone in space as they sidled her, too uncomfortable to try and break her trance, too close in their own heads to this breakdown. Finally and abruptly, a mobile welder was pushed against her chest. "Fix the leak, will you?" Her team leader barked at her, a rough fourty-something-old who smoked so much he was beginning to look like a combustion engine. "We will mourn later over some beers. And get yourself a new suit." He pulled at some loose cloth with a frown before heading off. She stared at the welding torch as if it was a new pet. Purpose. Yes, it was the only thing she could hold on to. [i]Fix The Leak[/i] Repeating this in her head made the stowaway regain control of her hands. Soon, a blue reflection danced against her visor, bright red eyes pulsating behind it. Purpose.