Moving through the camp had proven far easier than he had originally feared it might be, the tents were arranged with the military precision of the Imperium, and even after being separated from their mother nation for so long the Amazonians seemed to have kept with them at least this discipline. He hoped that in time the two nations would find a way to come together as allies and work together to show might among other nations, and maybe relieve some of the aggression that they both ensured from the freeholds. It was of course a lot to hope for. The Amazonians seemed like, and truthfully were an entirely different breed at this point. He let out a brief sigh of annoyance, and paused for a moment observing nothing in particular simply watching the bustle of the camp before him took him to the caverns. In reality most everything brought him thoughts of that wretched illusion, and it was almost as if he had never truly left. By chance he was able to make note of a small opening in the Queen's tent, and made note to relay that information to Kraith as soon as possible. Before he had the chance however the goblin instructed him to stand guard over his soon to be limp corpse, which Trax did wordlessly. He still knew very little of the goblin and this seemed a starnge time for a nap, but he was in no position to call shots and so he sat there with the slumbering Kraith anxious for anyone to approach, but looking calm to any who might pass by. Time passed very slowly while Kraith did whatever he was doing. Trax must have counted the armor and weapon racks a hundred times respectively before his partner made a sound, amd all he could discern from his counting was that the blades were well and truly outmatched if things got too tense here. Eventually Kraith did wake, and he moved with purpose to the Queen's tent, asking Trax to backup everything asled of him or said by him. Which of course would be no issue. When they reached the guards he let Kraithe take control. Spouting whatever story he had manufactured, sensing it draw to a close he picked up the reins. "Aye, it's true, and I'd say the problem is more wide spread than you might think. We've not been here an hour and I've received offers of small jewelry from other servants aswell." he paused briefly before adding "As a man of the Imperium I could assure you that an oversight in security like this would not give them much confidence in a treaty with your queen." With that he finished the statement with a disinterested sideways glance amd a shrug of his shoulders. If the guards weren't interested in a chase, perhaps a fight might suit them.