[@Wraithblade6] [@thewizardguy] [@Absolis] [@Gentlemanvaultboy] Threek smirked, his plan was coming t- What was that noise? Suddenly, dust filled his sight, and his lungs, causing the creature to cough loudly. Damn, this was bad. Luckily for him, a hand rips him aside before the fireball connects, the flames missing him nicely. He was handed some strange devices, but a voice deep down told him how to use such things. With a nod to Viral, he watched as his V.I.P leaps onto the net carrying the mech. That simplified things greatly, as now Threek only had to worry about seizing the city, rather than also having to give chase to the mech. When the dust cleared, the blue haired wench was gone, along with the skeleton..or..did the skeleton just remain where he was? Threek felt as if there was a rift in reality, with two possibilities. He ignored this, due to plot. He spied the human walking away, and he smiled. "Leave, now....You two, you've lost this fight before it's begun. You two, Daemon, your powers will be rather ineffective against the likes of me. This city belongs to Viral, and to me now." Threek stated. He sounded less like he was making a suggestion, and more so a demand. "Besides, you've bigger problems heading to this world...a cataclysm. I don't know when, I don't know how, but my people have sensed beings on this world...they seem to leave a shadow on the inmaterium. This is a bad, bad omen..Go, find your castles, defend them, garrison them with your mightiest, and your weakest..you'll need them all." Threek warns. With that, he turns to the fighting still raging, among the traitors, and the loyalists. With a blink, Threek found himself atop a building, channeling his dark spell again, the shadow forming behind him once more....