See my other thread: [url][/url] [hider] Has anyone else here gotten into this game? It is surprisingly well written and it's an amazing way of getting to know the characters and the way they talk. I've written a short fanfic based on the 707 route (slight spoilers) if you want a sample of my writing: [url=]here[/url]. I don't have a particular plot in mind for this and I'm willing to do either 1x1 or a small group. If it's 1x1 we can take turns with the extra characters. OC's would also be great/fine for this. Also, I don't plan to do it in chat format unlike the game. Although I'm sure we'll willingly have scenes like that, at times. If you have any plot ideas/headcanons, throw them at me! My only one so far is for a whole fanfic I may eventually write. But it's so much less fun doing it alone, so it'd be a good RP too: [hider=My Hider] What if the prologue never happened and MC really did make it up? She could be working with Unknown. At first she's supposed to go after V, the leader, but he's never on. And it turns out to be better to go after 707 anyway, so she does. She has to construct all of her responses to match him while not encouraging anyone else. And meanwhile she really falls for him. When things get harrowing because of Unknown--and thanks to her help--she gets 707 to let her into his place. But by the time she decides to tell him he has to leave with Vanderwood. So she waits. Then the computer gets hacked and she tells Unknown to f*** off. But that was just a test. He bursts in and sabotages everything and kidnaps her so that she will be blamed for it. Everyone in the RFA starts thinking that SHE is unknown. DUN DUN DUN. It's so good I even amaze myself. //Zen moment [/hider] I'm this same username on Skype as well, and that's where I'd prefer to RP this. So feel free to PM me there. But here works too. [/hider]