[center][color=662d91][h1]Dominic Matraz[/h1][/color][/center] [@FateWeaver] He held the door open for Lyla and Cauldron. He observed the array of plants in the greenhouse, not substantial enough for it to be anywhere near the amount greenhouses in Pocio but clearly displaying the resources that Rosa Clare Academy had to offer. He ran up to the left side and examined the leafs on a certain plant. He took out a lighter, plucked of a leaf and lit it on fire. The leaf gave out the a wonderful but gentle scent that filled the greenhouse. [color=662d91]"This is agrablaj, its really hard to ship this anywhere because it has very specific growing conditions but the academy seems to have it under control, it's really good for healing and water elemental spells".[/color] He quickly puts it out on floor and disposes of the leaf. He goes through several aisles of plant stopping to present certain plants and how to identify them and their noticeable properties, by lighting them or dunking the cup of water from his flask to release certain fragrances. He felt like he was showing off a little but Lyla seemed receptive to it, so he decided to carry on. He then stops at a particular plant with wide, pink leaves. Knowing that Lyla couldn't see how unique this plant was handed her a leaf so she could feel it instead. [color=662d91]"This is LaĆ­ta trafo dormanta, or at least that what we call it in Pocio. It is really unique and often used in as a core component in fire potions. Often it can be coloured and used to make visual displays such as fireworks or flamethrowing performances. However it is quite safe it it's current form. It also does something very unique which is emit a rose like scent when lit in it's flora form and burns very slowly due to its overtly waxing nature"[/color] He gently took the leaf and set it alight at the very tip. But the scent of roses did not appear. Instead was the scent of cherry bake-wells. [color=662d91]"Ummm- that's odd"[/color] He took a closer look at the leaf. What he had failed to notice earlier was the small patches of yellow that were creeping up from the base of the leaf, signalling the expiry of the leaf and its need for disposal as the chemical structure changed. He quickly tried to put the leaf out against the ground however it didn't go out. He then in a panic, stuffed it in the flask and closed the lid. The flask grew hot. [color=662d91]"Oh dear, I'll be back"[/color] he bolted out the door and looked for the nearest deserted area in the vicinity, noticing a large patch of overgrown grass about 10 meters wide, in the distance but within clear eyesight, he checked no one was inside the patch and gently set flask on the ground, his hands thankful for the release of the object that had steadily become to hot to handle for any longer and checked that the coast was clear. He ran back to the greenhouse, panting. [color=662d91]"We should leave, like right now"[/color] he held the door open again for Cauldron and Lyla. The concoction created from the leaf, water and containment dissolved the flask and began scorching the ground around it, little sparks flying out and igniting blades of grass before fizzling out. The entire patch of grass which he had hoped would hide the flask was burnt down and while the concoction had evaporated, the evidence that it was there was all too clear. The smell was awful with the patch of ground burnt and blackened, still lightly on fire in some areas. [color=662d91]"And probably pretend we were never here"[/color]. As they briskly walked back, he felt a thick veil of embarrassment and guilt. "[color=662d91]I'm really sorry[/color]" he mummered. [color=662d91]"I can't believe I was so foolish as to not check for age, what would Mother say about such a lack of-"[/color] He stopped in the middle of that thought to feel complete dread, [color=662d91]"Mother, can never find out about this"[/color].