Isabeau could only watch in awe as Valefor proceeded to obey the command given, attacking the tentacles latching onto the ship with a ray of energy from its mouth, causing the tentacle to writhe in pain before falling motionless and slipping off the side of the boat. She had never seen anything quite like it before, and she was so taken by the spectacle that she hadn't noticed a tentacle slap down right next to her, missing her by just a few inches. She let out a shriek, losing her balance and falling onto her back. She closed her eyes, expecting the tentacle to make another strike. There was a call like that of a bird and Isabeau opened her eyes just in time to see Valefor striking a tentacle with its talons, coming to the aid of the still frazzled novice summoner. The tentacle joined the others in lifelessness, slipping back into the ocean. Isabeau got to her feet, dusting bits of dust and debris from her clothing. "Th...thanks, I guess," she said to the aeon. "Valefor, can you do that beam thingy again? I want to see these fiends fry!" Isabeau was determined to see this battle through, and with Valefor, she figured her odds of surviving had increased twofold.