[center][youtube][url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so10dKbhorI[/url][/youtube][/center] Everything around Theodore was a blur. All he could see and focus on where his controls. He had redirected their flight path at least three times since the giant devastator ship had arrived in orbit. His knuckles were starting to ache. He typed in command after command. Trying desperately to make sure they wouldn't get shot down. He had a duty to fulfill to these brave men and women. If he made a type-o all would die. If he typed too slow all of them would die. If he even made the slightest misstep the blood of thousands of people would be on his hands. The end of the human race would probably be because of his doing. So with that thought in his mind, Theodore sighed a sigh of relief when the Eye of Thea finally came into his screen's view. The eye itself always looked a little weird to him. As the eye itself looked more like one giant cut in half pylon with a ring attached in the middle of said pylon. This ring was just wide and high enough for them to fly through. This meant that docking with the eye was hard as nails for any pilot. luckily for Theodore, however, the ship's automated docking controls would handle this. At least that's what he thought.And as Theodore focused on his controls he didn't hear the footsteps of someone walking towards him. And when said person put a hand on his shoulder Theodore almost jumped from his controls. But when he was about to look and probably curse at the guy he heard the voice of the admiral speaking towards him so he quickly shut his mouth before anything vulgar flew out. "Keep her going at max speed, you need to bring your A-game to docking with the Eye as there isn't a lot of time. That means a manual procedure." Was he being serious? They were racing towards the eye and he wanted him to dock manually? This wasn't in the training! He was never trained for such a scenario especially not under combat circumstances. But desperate times called for desperate measures and he knew that better than anyone.He wanted to turn around to say something. But before he could even respond to the admiral's order the man had already left him to his devices giving him a pad on the shoulder as a way of giving some support. It wasn't helping. Theodore looked at his monitor and watched as the Vitae came closer and closer to the eye. They way they were going now they would have to stop to steer themselves into the eye itself which would take up to much time. the only way he could not do this was if they had a clean shot at the ring itself. Theodore had a plan. though he wasn't certain if it was brilliant or suicidal. He would have to steer the ship in a way that they would literally stop dead center inside the ring itself. If it worked, they could dock in mere seconds before warping away. If it failed and accidentally crashed against the ring they would be sitting ducks. He was gonna need help to pull this maneuver off, however. It needed almost all the engines to work in unison and even his typing skills weren't fast enough for that. He was gonna need some artificial support. And that support came from Noah. " Noah on my word activate all forward facing thruster at full speed." " roger that sir but what is your plan if i may ask?" " I'm simply going to thread the needle." With that said Theodore steered the ship for a perfect line up with the gate. Theodore watched as they got closer and closer. Waiting to give the order. He noticed some water falling from his face. But it wasn't water. It was his sweat. "50km and closing sir. I advise we.." " Not yet." " 50km, 40km 30km." " Now!" [i]Years ago at the battle of the three day's war.[/i] [hr] Theodore awoke, hearing the blaring of the alarms and the sizzling of electricity sparking from lights and broken wires. He saw nothing but darkness and realized he was covered in rubble. He tried to free himself but failed. He tried again screaming with all his might to give himself a power boost. Again he failed. And again he tried, this time, screaming as hard as he could and to his relief he felt a twinge of freedom. He tried again and again slowly pushing himself up through the rubble. And as he finally freed himself he heard another explosion rocked the ship. This time, he stood however and as he looked around the bridge he felt a tear sliding down his face. Everyone was dead. Either caved in under rubble or dead because of the ceiling crashing down on them. And then he saw his worst nightmare come true. His uncle lay dead in his captain's chair. As a metal girder had gone right through his chest. Theodore had no words. And slowly stumbled over towards his uncle's dead corpse. Trying not to fall over the dead corpses. He hugged his uncle's corpse the blood covering his body as he did. He cried like a child, tears streaming across his face. He let the body loose and closed the eyes. He then turned around and looked at the Devastator ship still firing at them. His crying turned into screams of rage and hatred. They had taken away the only thing he loved in this world. And he was going to make them pay.He walked over to the comms which were somehow still functioning and screamed in it. " Abandon ship !" A few mumbled voices could be heard meaning that people were still alive. He turned around and walked towards his controls. The ship shaking again as he did. The devastator ship itself was somewhat damaged as the guns had taken away parts of its armor. Theodore plotted his course towards the ship putting the thrusters at full power. he was gonna make damn sure those aliens bastards would get what they deserved. He then turned from his controls And started to run to the nearest escape pod. The ship shook again and ceiling above him partly saved him almost blocking his path. He thought he wasn't gonna make it. He was however as he barged into an escape pod and launched. He could see the ship crashing into the Devastator. It's ship slicing through the Devastator before it exploded. But before Theodore could laugh his escape pod was covered in flames. And a few seconds later it turned to black. [hr] [i]Present day[/i] You could faintly hear the rumbling coming from the engines. They were getting closer and closer and Theodore was already having second thoughts about this idea.They were slowing down at a good pace. But they weren't slowing down fast enough. Theodore had to do something quick or else they would have a serious problem. And then it came to him. " Noah turn the ship around 180 degrees and activate the main engine at full capacity!" " affirmative" It seems Theodore's desperate plan had worked. As the Vitae stopped right in the dead center of the eye. " preparing docking procedures." Noah's icy voice said as the ship prepared for warp. Theodore fell back into his seat catching his breath. He looked towards Leeroy with a smile . " Remind me to never do something that stupid again?" " Yeah.. i will." He had done it. He had saved the ship and its crew. And as the ship warped away a little smile appeared on his face. He then reported into the admiral saying that all controls were green. He then stood up and walked off to his room. He was dead tired and decided to get a few hours of shut-eye. Of all the drama that had happened today. Of all the lives that were lost. At least The vitae would keep on going. As he entered the room he practically fell inside his bed. And sleep quickly followed.