As the chaos went on outside of the [i]Vitae[/i], the android stepped out of Eden. Dr. Anderson had given him a near rambling explanation before she placed her arms around him in a gesture of comfort. A hug, he felt her warmth for a moment before she quickly departed, leaving the machine man alone once more in the beauty of Eden. His ears focused on the scene of nature around him, he had given one glance at the swaying green grass before he exited the area. The sounds had immediately hit Michael as he stood in the hallway. The civilians he had passed by were long gone, the only other lifeforms were a trio of security personal. The android turned towards them as the sounds of leather boots clanking rapidly against the stainless steel floors grew closer. He rose an eyebrow at the expressions on their faces, a confused look on his own as one spoke out to him. "Identify yourself citizen. The ship is on lock-down, you should be in your quarters." The central man of the trio stated in a forceful tone as one beside of him tapped at a holopad. "My name is Michael, I work in the research laboratories, I sim-" The android said as he spoke in his typical gentle tone. He was interrupted by the man tapping madly at his holopad. "Michael Smith. He's civilian personal." "Then he needs to be escorted to his room." The gruff central man replied as he locked eyes with the synthetic man. Michael could practically feel the stress in the man's voice, nearly seeing each drop of sweat fall from his brow. "Donovan, take him back, Roberts and I have to other things to deal with." The man added before he turned towards Roberts, the one that brought up Michael's file on his datapad. They both walked away, as Donovan glanced at the android. Of course not knowing the young man's real identity. "Alright, let's get going. Lock-downs are serious business, the ship is under attack by the Devastators. Didn't you know that?" Donovan asked with a raised eyebrow, a smirk on his face. He then scratched his bearded chin as Michael followed him down the hallway. Internally Michael's machine mind had been working at the mere mention of 'Devastators'. "Yes of course, I was made uneasy by the whole event. Ended up in Eden trying to calm my nerves. Left and forgot the whole thing was happening." Michael responded as he looked at the security officer. That wasn't the whole truth, nor was his identity as Michael 'Smith'. He quickly dug through his database, then found his own file, one crafted by others before his awakening. "Well I guessed Eden did its job for you. Still, you gotta be careful. The Devastators are scary, people go on edge even if they're just mentioned." Officer Donovan added, his words more stern than anything else. Michael's sensors had taken them into consideration while his internal processors went through other affairs, mainly his own file on the database. [i]His parents were killed when he was very young. Dr. Ethan Phillips, a relative of Michael's, took over his upbringing and pushed the boy into the scientific field.[/i] That was not the truth, but it was conceivable to believe. Others would likely get uncomfortable if Michael were to mention this. The death of one's family was a touchy subject. The android could falsify his emotions to work with his own biography in order to make it utterly believable. "Yes, I understand you, officer. I could only wonder how an assault by them has caused the population of the [i]Vitae[/i] to behave." Michael stated. His mind shifted the subject of the extraterrestrial Devastators. He found himself interested in such beings, their actions and history with humanity peeked the android's curiosity. "We have it safely under control. The [i]Vitae[/i] has the best crew assembled, it will be over with in no time." Donovan replied as the two continued walking. They were nearing the crew quarters as they passed down another hallway. Michael noticed another duo of security personal who passed by them, Donovan giving them both nods. The android's mind was focused on the Devastators, conversation was simple to carry on. "I have faith in your ability, I do hope this conflict is over soon." Michael simply said as Donovan stopped in his stride. They had reached the room of Michael 'Smith'. The security officer turned towards the synthetic being. "Alright, this is your stop. Stay in there until the lock-down is over with. I appreciate the vote of confidence. Have a nice day, Michael." Donovan said with another smile before the android entered his room, the door locking behind him. His artificial eyes took in his quarters. He did not need a bed, a restroom or any entertainment. But they were nice touches. A human would consider such a living space, 'cozy'. Michael approached the wall, and placed his hand gently upon it. It was utterly metallic, not a surprise to him. The machine man pressed a small console near where his hand had rested, the window unit's image changed to one of nature. A snapshot of a calm winter's day. The eye-catching sun breaking through the clouds as its rays reflected off the blanket of snow. Something he had never seen in person, but found a certain beauty in as he sat down silently on his bed.