Good news, everyone! So, for the past couple of months your illustrious GMs have been discussing in our secret, hidden lair where great evil occurs that to commemorate the upcoming one year anniversary for this game, we're going to commission a group picture! I checked with my good friend and taker of my money on a few occasions, [@Baklava] of this very site, if she was willing to undertake such a big task and she sounds more than confident she can take on a project this big. So! What we need to know is who's interested in chipping into this? We'll get a firm price when we figure out who's all taking part, and the easiest way to do the payment is to pay your portion directly through PayPal. [url][/url] < Her art thread for those interested/ wondering what general prices are going to be like, as well as what her art looks like. I'll state up front I've commissioned her a couple of times, so rest assured, she does good work in an impressive amount of time and your money's in good hands! Initially, we were just going to do this behind all your backs and surprise you, but A) that would have been a lot of money to hoist upon 1-3 of us, and B) we didn't want to have to make the call of what character to cut if it came down to it, or do it for someone and have them drop out shortly after. Basically, it's kind of a show of gratitude for the guys who've been around for ages who kept the dream alive. Anyways, disclaimer out of the way, let us know who's interested by let's say Sunday and we'll get this ball rollin'!