[quote=@The Dow Dragon] [@gcold] So, hi. I see that this rp says apply, so I'm not sure whether thats current or not. Also I see 300 IC posts, so I'm not sure whether or not I need to read any of that to know what is happening. I have no problem reading through the OOC stuff, as far as RP events goes, but I'm so keen on reading through 300 posts of story. [/quote] Oh new person! [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/uc2ntAVa7mB2M/giphy.gif[/img] We're always accepting, so no worries about missing this train. Additionally, reading the entire IC would be a heroic task worthy of the sagas, but Mr. Frizzle up there has posted a rather nifty summary of events. I'd say reading back a page or two would be beneficial but not mandatory. The first two OOC posts are also a super trove of information for getting up to speed and learning about the world we made.