[hider=J'ato Kharbihrri] [center][sub][img]http://img04.deviantart.net/549c/i/2012/343/4/a/khajiit_bandit_by_sgtteddybear59-d5nixfi.jpg[/img][/sub] [h3]J'ato Kharbihrri[/h3][/center] [center][sup][sup][h3]Male Khajiit, Cathay | 20 | The Tower[/h3][/sup][/sup][/center] [h3][u]Basic Information[/U][/h3] [indent][b]Birthplace[/b]: Senchal, Elsweyr [b]Appearance[/b]: J'ato stands at 6 foot flat and has a slim, but athletic build. He is a cathay, due to his height and musculature. His shoulders, arms, chest, and back are more developed muscularly due to his years of practice with the bow. The rest of his body is similar to that of a runner's physique, slim and toned. His fur is snow white/gray with his dreadlocks and the markings on his face being black. He wears common traveler's leather armor with a dark cloak. His bow is made from the wood of palm trees from Elsweyr's coast, the string made from mammoth's hair that his father picked up on a trading trip. J'ato's sword is a gift from the ship captain that took him from Elsweyr, a sailor's scimitar. Besides his weapons, J'ato always carries a modified lute, equipped with more strings of varying tones and a slimmed body. [b]Personality[/b]: J'ato is a very reserved person. He's incredibly intelligent, favoring scholarly hobbies such as reading all sorts of books, fictional, non-fictional, educational, you name it. He enjoys sketching the sights he sees as well and of course, perhaps his favorite out of them all, playing his modified lute, which he named [i]'Aia'[/i] after a teenage sweetheart who broke his heart. J'ato fancies himself an explorer after leaving his homeland, stopping at many places along the coast before reaching his final destination in Dawnstar. Though a skilled combatant, J'ato finds fighting and violence unsavory and prefers to solve problem through story and song. His upbringing as a influential merchant's son taught him how to sweet talk people and get the best deals, being dragged to meetings to be shown off as a sign of pride by his father. J'ato finds royalty, nobility, and the gentry all inherently unlikable and often in his childhood ran to play and hang out with the poorer children of Senchal. As such, J'ato will usually make his distaste known in the presence of such people which can land him in some undesirable situations. Being an explorer, J'ato is fascinated by other cultures and will go to painstaking lengths to blend in and become part of the culture. [b]Background[/b]: J'ato Kharbihrri was born just outside of Senchal in a carriage rattling towards the city. His mother was ill at the time and the strain of giving birth to her second child was too much and she died before they reached the city limits. J'ato grew up in a large palace with his sister, Cahie, who was two years older than him. He was first introduced to combat training at the age of seven, his father feeling it would be useful to have a fighter in the family if Elsweyr was ever plunged into war. Of course, as any boy would be, J'ato was thrilled to train with weapons but he soon learned that mastery of combat did not come easy. J'ato took to the bow and sword like a natural and for years his days were filled with the whistle of arrows and the clanging of steel on steel. The young Khajiit began to enjoy his respite from training, reading books and sketching Senchal when he had some relaxation time. It was around 11 when he began to accompany his father on trips around Elsweyr, to show off his strong and capable son to business partners to display that his blood was powerful. Here J'ato learned the art of trade and coin, and became quite proficient in adapting a business man's mindset to get what he wanted. But it wasn't until he was 13 that he met her. Aia. The guards caught her spying on his sister from a balcony in the palace, they claimed she was formulating a plan to steal Cahie's jewelry, just as a street rat would. As his father was gone that day, J'ato was the master of the palace and inspected the would be thief. He was shocked by how pretty she was for a street kid and her unusually green eyes giving him a look that made him feel funny didn't help. He ordered the guards to release her and escorted the girl to the door. J'ato asked her name. "Aia." she replied with a flirtatious wink "Thanks for bailing me out rich boy, maybe we'll see each other around." And she leaped off the railing into the garden below. J'ato raced to see where she landed but she was gone. He certainly hoped they would see each other again. So life went on and J'ato found himself thinking about Aia more and more, the struggle within him was that he was a cat of class whereas she was the lowliest of commoners, a thief. What would his father say? It had been a month since he had seen Aia and night was falling once again over Senchal. J'ato was out on the large balcony just outside his room. He was wearing only silk trousers and nothing else, practicing his sword form with a bamboo replica. He liked to feel the cool air through his fur as he moved, as if he was dancing with the wind. The young Khajiit heard an impressed whistle behind him "Looking good, rich boy." J'ato yelped and whipped around to see Aia sitting there on his balcony, dressed in some very revealing clothes. A loose shirt which flowed freely in the breeze and didn't even cover her midriff and shorts, which stopped halfway down her thigh. He looked away quickly, embarrassed, stammering "A-Aia! What are you doing here!? You could have sent a message, t-this is very indecent." She giggled and lowered herself from the balcony, her bare feet making no noise on the stone and moved towards him. J'ato chanced a look at her and was shocked to see her standing right in front of him. Her orange fur combined with her green eyes made her look stunning in the moonlight. So they started seeing each other, despite class, despite all the odds, they saw each other multiple times a week in secret for years. It was the best few years J'ato had in his life. It was with Aia that he found an old lute and modified it, playing new sounds and making new songs with her. And even if it was in secret, even if such a thing was forbidden by his family, J'ato loved every second of it. Until it stopped. One day, Aia didn't come. And she never came again. J'ato would go searching night and day, asking around to find her, but it was as if she had just left Senchal. R'ato was crushed and he finally named his modified Lute 'Aia'. He became more reserved, keeping his thoughts and emotions within him rather than let them be known. He practiced even harder with sword and bow and with his scholarly studies, as he had no one to look forward to coming that night. It had been 3 years since Aia left that the Mane was assassinated and Elsweyr thrown into Civil War. J'ato, now a few weeks from his 20th birthday, was shocked and infuriated by this turn of events. His father, like many southerners, were pro independent and J'ato, was pro unity, independent or no. J'ato's father called him weak and soft and that J'ato should have been grateful that he got rid of that street urchin brat. All of a sudden there was a ringing in J'ato's ears and for the first time in his life, he drew his sword on his father. "What did you do!?" he asked in a hoarse whisper that nonetheless carried throughout the entire hall. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" he roared, advancing menacingly on his own father. The anger that was in his father's eyes had been replaced by fear but that only made J'ato angrier. The guard advanced and stepped between father and son, drawing their blades in defense but doing no more. J'ato paid them no attention, but stared into his father's eyes, trying to discern the truth. He growled and sheathed his sword, saying harshly "I'm leaving and I'm not coming back. If I ever see you again, I'll kill you." And with those words he turned on his heel and stormed off, his sister running after him and calling fearfully... A day later he was on a ship leaving Senchal for Dawnstar and for the first time in a long time, J'ato felt like a free spirit. The captain greeted him with a gift, the son of such an influential man must have friends everywhere and treating him with respect will no doubt help the captain. He presented J'ato with a sailor's scimitar, curved and beautiful, yet delightfully simple. J'ato took it with a smile and thought [i]"A new sword for a new man.[/i]" He took out his expensive custom made sword, ornate with intricacies and drawings and jewelry and threw it into the ocean (much to the shock and dismay of the crew) and replaced it with the scimitar. He bowed to the captain, thanking him for such a wonderful gift and looked out towards the open sea... It would be a long journey either way and with how unstable Tamriel was at the moment, the captain decided it was safer to go around along the more wild coasts to get to Dawnstar. So they traveled along the jungles of Black Marsh (where a stop for the night yielded a night of passion with a particularly beautiful native girl. And a similarly fearful rest of the night of racing back towards the ship half naked with all of the men in the village chasing after J'ato.) and passed some of the ashen cities of Morrowind, where they stopped and J'ato had a chance to explore a Dwemer ruin, documenting what he saw with amazement and slight sickness. Finally, they saw the snowy peaks of Skyrim and stopped in Windhelm to trade and J'ato was saddened to learn that the famous Dragonborn didn't turn out quite as noble as The Nevarine and that many would consider his rule 'Tyrannical.' After another steamy night with a beautiful dark elf (And chased by a subsequently furious father), they were on back on the seas to Dawnstar. They passed the ghostly ruined cliffs of winterhold and the ominous college in the distance. And finally, they arrived in Dawnstar early one morning, sleepily floating into its port... [/indent] [h3][u]Capabilities[/u][/h3] [indent] [b]Skills[/b]: - Marksman: Expert - Ta'Agra: Adept - One-Handed Blade: Adept - Athletics: Apprentice - Mercantile: Apprentice - Speech: Apprentice - Light Armor: Novice - Sneak: Novice - Lockpicking: Novice [b]Weaknesses[/b]: - Magically Incompetent: Despite being highly intelligent, J'ato has no magical ability and even finds magic as a concept hard to grasp. It infuriates him to no end and as a result he resents magic users on some level, making it hard to get along with them. - Hates Royalty, Nobility, and the Wealthy: J'ato sees all of these classes as selfish, power hungry snobs. He will go out of his way to irritate, insult, or even sabotage, anything to make their life harder. His hatred is doubly so because he used to be one of them and he'll never let himself forget that fact. He will also jump at any job, no matter how crazy or morally ambiguous, that offers a chance to let him make a lord's life miserable. - Somewhat Hypocritical: As you might have noticed, despite being all for peace and love and harmony, he has very negative opinions and set views on some things and is just as stubborn as the people he dislikes or even hates, and even though he's against violence, he would no problem joining say, a merc company, and justify as a way of getting by. Its these contradictions he refuses to acknowledge and will most likely get him punched in the teeth one day. [b]Spells[/b]: N/A [b]Combat Style[/b]: TBD? [b]Relations and Affiliations[/b]: Ri'zaymar Kharbihrri (Father, CEO of Senchali Trading Co.) Cahie Karbihrri (Sister, XEO of Sechali Trading Co.) Ko'ni Kharbihrri (Mother, Deceased) [b]Opinions of Group Members[/b]: TBD. [b]Other Capabilities[/b]: N/A [/indent] [h3][u]Inventory[/u][/h3] [indent][hider=Categories] [b]Cash[/b]: 150 Septims [b]Keys and Lockpicks[/b]: 10 lockpicks, carried in a pouch on his armor. [b]Tools and Crafting Materials[/b]: N/A [b]Clothing and Armor[/b]: Full set of leather armor (With the exception of a helmet). A dark traveler's cloak. [b]Weapon and Ammunition[/b]: Custom Made Bow (Wood of Elsweyr Palm Trees and string of mammoth hair.) When not in combat, he unstrings it and lets it set on his back, the string around his chest. 50 Steel arrows carried in a quiver on his back. A Sailor's Scimitar, carried in a simple sheath hanging on his left side. [b]Potion and Arcane Supplies[/b]: N/A [b]Jewelry, Valuables and Personal Belongings[/b]: Always carries his modified lute, 'Aia', with him, usually hanging around him by a leather strap. Sometimes he'll simply carry it in hand. [b]Books and Documents[/b]: None....yet. [b]Food, Drinks and Ingredients[/b]: N/A. [b]Load Bearing Equipment[/b]: A few pouches on his armor and inside his cloak, plus a larger knapsack attached to his belt just above his butt. [b]Other[/b]: N/A. [/hider][/indent] [/hider] [@gcold] All done!