A'right, so far we have: gcold Leidenschaft Dervish MacabreFox Hank Scout Hellis MiddleEarthRoze POOHEAD189 Who are on board for this. Peik, Mortarion, and Frizan saying they would but money is tight. If anyone's willing to kick in a few more bucks (I'll chip in a bit more), we can probably cover you three if people agree to it. In the mean time, here's what Baklava needs from everybody: -Character physical description and any reference pictures for each character -Description of personality, a little bit of information on their personal back stories to know what feel to give the picture So start working on that and have it to me on Sunday. If anyone's willing to chip in for the guys who can't pay for it, let me know in the next day or two and we'll have it all ready to go by the end of the weekend.