[center][h2][color=royalblue]Leon Fords[/color][/h2][h3]
[color=royalblue]Prince of Krieg-Königreich[/color][/h3]
Interacting with: [@Lady Amalthea] & [@Kyrisse][/center][hr]

	Once Bartram finished greeting the two royals he slid back to his spot keeping watch over the whole room. Leon smiled mainly because as of right now he felt he could freely be himself. He didn't have to pretend to be someone he wasn't. He didn't have the watchful eye of his father or anyone under his father that would report to the king. Leon looked at Elizaveta, [color=royalblue]"I do hope that she is as kind as the two of you are. Hopefully, my betrothed and I can get along together just as the two of you have."[/color]

	Leon began looking over all the attendees trying to see if he could deduce who exactly his betrothed was. This task was harder than he expected it to be. His father was very good at hiding information and keeping it from Leon so he was only able to rule out a few. The two that his father had completely hidden even the name of from Leon were still on the list of possibilities. In all honesty, that frightened Leon. If his betrothed ended up being someone he knew nothing about then what on earth was he going to do. He didn't want to make a fool of himself, but knowing nothing about the girl he is to wed would leave him at a disadvantage. He looked back to the two in front of him and asked, [color=royalblue]"So, what do the two of you think of the other attendees?"[/color]