Thetrous shifted in his seat. They were obviously made for humans of a more normal height than his own half-blooded height. The thing that annoyed him the most was that his feet dangled. He had been raised by his mother so his stubborn dwarven pride did have limits. But he didn't suffer racists gladly. The fact that he had been chosen for this mission showed how short handed the Shields were with (pure) human members. The half dwarf was glad they respected him enough to trust him with the mission. But he still wished he wasn't here. The realm of Elensa always rubbed him the wrong way, and being near Endel? Worse. Thetrous shifted again making some of the Baron's men turn and look at him. He scowled at them until they looked away. He also scowled at Leon, the pompous jerk as he smirked knowingly. At least the new recruits were studiously listening to the Baron and thinking. Thetrous was the kind of guy you pointed at a target and he went. He didn't have a mind for strategy. Well, other than hack and slash. He wasn't stupid or anything. He just wasn't a strategist. He'd cheat you out of all your money in cards given half a chance. And maybe even look through your stuff, but that was it really. So when the Baron explained that the neighboring barondoms, and smaller holdings were holding off until they could choose the winning side, he wasn't listening that much. He really didn't care if the Baron was only being waylaid by two people rather than fourteen or whatever. Humans in this area were petty squabblers who loved money over honor. And that was not something Thetrous could respect. Thetrous watched the men in the room as the Baron spoke. They weren't comfortable with what the Baron was doing. That much was obvious, but they were loyal. Was it just because of loyalty? Or was it because they knew Elensa had to change? After all it was only a matter of time before the Council reversed it's hands off policy if their appearance here meant anything. The half-human cocked his head to listen as the bowman in the group talked. So far the kid hadn't said much. Thetrous had heard about Mordechai through the grapevine of the Shields. He was extremely accurate with a bow. He was quiet and rarely talked. Unless you got him drunk, then apparently he wouldn't shut up (Something the half-dwarf planned on doing soon). "Are you completely sure no one else will support you?" Mordechai asked. His brown eyes were very intent on the map. Thetrous was sure that the east was very backwards to the poor man. Even if he had been here for a while. The Baron bobbed his head. "Some might eventually, but I don't have the time. All Heath has to do is still me long enough I so I wont be able to make it to the meeting." The Baron too frowned down at the map. "While most wont raise a hand against me, they still hate me for what I'm proposing. And by doing nothing they lend their silent approval." The Baron shook his head. "If you have any other ideas how to avoid this, I'm all ears."