When Robin spots the creature in the treetops his first instinct is to warn the others, after all the more they trust them the better, but for some reason he can't make his mouth form any words. His second idea is to just let it attack the foreigner and act like he didn't notice it. He abandons that idea when he notices the grin and comes to the conclusion it's intelligent.

Believing that the monster might see Zogolli as the biggest threat to itself Robin comes to the conclusion it is in his best interest if it doesn't get the drop on him. He goes against all his instincts and places himself in danger by trying to push the outsider out of the  way of the attack since he doubts he has enough time to attack the feline with his bow.

[hider]Defy danger using strength 2d6+0 plus 1 forward from discern realities [/hider]