[quote=@Forsythe] If they're doing quarter mile only that would be fine, but on a normal race, what if someone wants to play dirty and, for example, try to crash another driver? I say give it a shot for us to just write the outcome, and if that doesn't work then try to invent a system. *shrug* [/quote] I feel we'd also need to take sharp corners into consideration as well. There's always that [i]one guy[/i] that stuffs up such a corner which can ultimately cost him the race if he's not careful. Other than those, I'm fine with a virtual dice present behind the scenes... if only in case none of us wind up being able to decide who should win what race and who should come dead last in what race (among all the [i]other[/i] positions :/) [@Chaotic Chao] Will there be any kind of restriction on what cars our characters would have access to? Or would one of us be able to race around in an exotic, for example, on the condition that the rest of the cars have been tuned up enough to compete with it?