Serah's words reached out to the creature, and for a moment, it looked perplexed. It distanced itself from the barbarian, all six eyes trained on Serah as it circled her. A long moment went by without incident, and it leaped up a nearby tree and reclined on an overhanging branch. Only then did it answer.

[i]"I have not eaten in days!"[/i] it snarled. To anyone but Serah, the beast's speech was a jumble of grunts and hisses. To her, it was intelligible, though unlike any animal she'd heard in her frozen homeland, like an odd dialect. 
[i]"Prey is becoming exceedingly scarce. Nothing goes into the forest. Nothing comes out. I was hoping this one,"[/i] he indicated his muzzle towards Zogolli, [i]"would break my fast."[/i] Its voice came harsh and agitated to Serah, but there was some hint of sadness buried beneath it. 
[i]"I suppose he has you to thank for his well-being, Wildcaller. Else I would have dragged him off and eaten my fill. Maybe that one would be next,"[/i] it shot a look at Robin.
[i]"Feed me, and I will give you answers,"[/i] it said thoughtfully, [i]unless you plan to indulge my craving for man flesh."[/i] It shot Serah a wicked grin and looked at her expectantly.