BOOM The usual sound of magical blasts tearing the air echoed loudly in one of the sound-proof rooms of one of the university’s gym facilities. Already early in the morning, students who were eager to start their day with a bang were gathering at the gyms complex, and often were those who arrived early would come at complex A. A wide variety of students could be found at the gym at this time of the day. Disciplined students who wanted to test their skills while the classes were not crowded, or even new students who were a tad shy to show off used this opportunity to train away from prying eyes. In one of the classrooms, there were already a group of students that had gathered to watch one peculiar student experimenting with his magic. Each morning, one young man never failed to come here and blow some stuff up, much to his comrades’ amusement. The young man in his early twenties was Allen Strauss, journeyman of Elemental Magic. Ever since he had entered the academy, the young Mage had the routine of coming at the gyms early in the morning to train himself in the arts of magic, to test his abilities and ever surpassing his limits. Today was no different from any other day. Again and again, sounds of explosions would come from the classroom Allen was training in. Today, he was training his Fire Elemental Magic. Hurling fireballs at fireproof dummies, creating circles of fire around him to flaming walls, the disciplined young mage was putting on quite a show of offensive and flashy spells for his peers to see. From the other side of the blast-shielded windows, Allen could hear the cheers of his comrades, always encouraging him to show more. With a smirk, Strauss got into a different stance. This time, not only the red sigil on his hand was glowing, but the blue mark on his left also glowed. To those who have been actively looking at Allen, they knew what was coming next, and some took a step back from the window. Concentrating the elements of Water is his left hand, and Fire in his right, Allen brought his both hands together with a slam, circles of blue and red appearing around him. While Allen looked confident in his abilities on the outside, deep inside, he was struggling to keep perfect equilibrium in his magic. To successfully achieve an elemental merging, he had to focus on creating a harmony between the two elements. But fusing two opposite elements was no simple task, and the outcome would show just that. Just as it seemed steam was blowing between Allen’s hands, a massive eruption of fire came out from his body, knocking the young man down just as a cloud of brimstone began floating in the room. ‘Oh damn, that can’t be good…” He said out loud. Without thinking twice, Allen quickly got up on his feet and dashed towards the exit, joining up with his comrades behind the blast shield. He was just in time, for the brimstone cloud literally began raining fire in the classroom, activating the safety water system. A few students looked shocked to see hellfire raining inside the classroom, while others were laughing, effectively entertained by their comrade. One of them walked up to Allen and gave him a pat on his shoulder. “Hell Allen, when I said the day you would master your dangerous magic would be when it would rain in hell, I didn’t mean to literally make hell rain on us!” The jestering boy laughed. [color=6ecff6]“Oh please, Alec. I was this close to actually make Steam Magic! I guess I focused too much on Fire and not enough on Water…”[/color] Allen replied to his roommate. After a few minutes of fire alarms echoing in the complex and water system drenching everyone, one of the university’s security personnel barged into the complex and meet up with the few remaining students who remaining behind the glass shield to watch hell pouring down into the classroom on the other side. “Not again! It’s the third time this week alone! Who is it this time? Alec, Sylvia, Allen, Joey? Can’t you kids just do like everyone else this morning and prepare for the opening ceremony? It’s in only a hour, for gods’ sake!” The officer reprimanded, half-guessing who was the culprit this time behind this ridiculous show of flames. “Sorry sir. Allen slipped again. Wai-what? The ceremony is only in an hour? OH damn, better hurry back and change then! Sorry, can’t stay to talk! Let’s get a move on bro!” Alec said in a hurry, grabbing his roommate’s arm and hushing him out from the gym. Outside the red-haired boy was grinning from ear to ear. "Saved your ass again pal. What would you do without me, huh?" Alec boasted, giving a light punch on Allen'S shoulders. The silver-haired young man simply sighed in response with a smile and nodded, pretending to not have heard what his friend just said. Instead, he looked towards the sky. [color=6ecff6]"I wonder if we're going to see Anna today. Can't wait to go eating after such a work-out, and meet this year's newcomers."[/color] Allen commented as the duo of journeymen made ther way towards the dorms.