[center][h1][color=008080]Noah Salik || 14-B[/color][/h1][/center] [center]For: [@TheHangedMan][/center] Noah got up from his couch, his iconic red cloak already dawned onto his body, the knocking echoed throughout his dorm. He moved towards the door, pushing the door slightly, the beaming lights of the outside pierced Noah's sheltered eyes, before the man in a navy blue suit could be distinguished, a Herald. The Herald told Noah he would be having someone new in his place, he gave the Herald one last glance before slightly nodding and closing the door. Noah looked around, the Dorm itself barely looked like anyone had moved in in the first place. His room however was where his character came out. Noah opened the blinds, but was once again attacked by the outside forces. After moments of getting ready for this opening ceremony, Noah had finally left his dorm. He could hear the sounds of laughter and enjoyment fill the school. Noah walked with his hands in his black jeans, his cloak around his back but his hood left down, his eyes wandered without any sense of direction, lost in his head. "[color=662d91]How dare you disobey your Master![/color]" Noah was brought back to reality with the searing pain shooting through his head, his hand moved rapidly to the pain and clenched, the sound of his old Master still haunted his dreams, but now affected him while awake. Dreams seeming real as if they've happened but no recollection of existing. Noah shook the pain away before recollecting himself, continuing to walk among the sounds of happiness. [center][h1][color=ec008c]Britney Chambers || Grassy Field[/color][/h1][/center] Britney was already cleared of her dorm, leaving her two roommates to dwell among themselves, while Britney was secluded on a grassy field, she was up early to get more training in. [color=fff200]Gravity Magic: Intense Push![/color] she shouted, holding her hand against the ground, the intense feeling coursing through her arms before the power released. A circle the size of tire started slowly crushing against the ground before it gave way, clearing 1 meter down. Britney panted, her breath was loud and fast, no time for breathing, she had used her magic. She laid down, staring up at the sky, raising her hand towards it, "[color=ec008c]I.. need, I need to get stronger...[/color]"