[hr][center][color=rosybrown][h2]Fareeha Amari[/h2][/color][/center][hr][hr]Interacting with the Raven; [@HaleyTheRandom] Ariel[hr] Fareeha was amused, to say the least. She could practically see the princess's conflict, struggling with some internal dilemma. Based on the timing of it and how she was more or less focused on her good self, she knew, more or less, what she was struggling over. So Fareeha just gave the girl another soft, calming smile, saying nothing. Instead, she held up one slender finger- on her non-snake side- and gracefully spun around. Stalking to the food table, she hovered over it for several moments before snatching some of the yummiest, richest, most delightful chocolate items she could find in Aciras's inventory. Thankfully, Aciras appeared to have great love of having everything at breakfast; chocolate early in the morning was by far one of the best ideas humanity came up with. Returning with a napkin in hand, and just a number or two above half a dozen chocolate treats in hand, Fareeha stood almost shoulder-to-shoulder with her new friend, Ariel the Raven, and munched contently on a chocolate ball-thing. Filled with caramel, with hints of something else and slightly... minty, fruity, it was one of the finest chocolaties she had ever tasted. So, Fareeha plucked the second of its kind from her hand, and held it in front of Ariel's face, while Habi looked on, mildly curious. [color=rosybrown]"Try this one,"[/color] she requested, simply.