[quote=@Chaotic Chao] I wanna try something way different. I've been having a thing for cars recently. Well, any car that's sportsy or a sport sedan. And I've been wondering, what would it be like to have a roleplay about street racers? Just a little experiment I'd like to try out. I'm thinking of a plot for it as well, that isn't bad and cheesy, I just want to know what some of ya'll think. That's all. [/quote] Hello Chao, nice to see you again. If you are up for it, we could make it a little anime/slice of life ish something akin to Initial D or Drift Girls or my fave Ridge Racer 4 [hider=The vibes!] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOrliq8cvSo[/youtube] [/hider] I'd be happy to help you make a city for the RP if youd like.