[right][color=007236][b][h3]L E E[/h3][/b][/color][i]12-A[/i][/right] Lee moved around the room with a grace only those who had traversed its walls for a decade and then some could manage. She had called 21-A her home years before the exceptionally fit woman doing her morning ritual had. Xinhua had entered its door to be greeted by the sight of a forest within its walls, with vines creeping up the walls and forming imageries of woodland creatures in their natural habitat. Even the blonde's bed was a comfort made out white birch and evergreen fern, manufactured into the modern marvel of mattress and pillows. There might have even been a few canaries flittering about, making anyone who stepped in the room feel as though they'd been transported into a world of fantasy where a lovely young woman sang to the woodland creatures. When Xinhua had made herself comfortable in her bedroom, Lee withdrew her influence, but allowed the warming fragrance of her garden to fill their shared dormitory. She paused from tending to her plants to give Xinhua an appreciative smile. She had heard the boys, and even some of the girls, around the school whisper in soft voices about her roommate's body, and at first their attraction to her was not something Lee understood. There, watching the woman, Lee found that she got what they found so alluring about her. Heh. She wondered if some of Xinhua's admirers could see her as Lee did every morning; she was sure the drool pooling at their feet would soon make a lake. Chuckling to herself, Lee moved to give Xinhua's hawk an appreciative pat, feeling it preening slightly at the attention she gave. Then, in a moment of impulsiveness, she did the same to its master, enjoying the slight pause it elicited from the woman and the literal spark that danced on her fingertips. She quickly moved the hand away and pointed it in the direction of the dining area, intent on redirecting the lightning, but it died on her skin. Lee frowned, but the foreign expression didn't last on her lips. She grinned at Xinhua before dancing over to her room, miraculously not tripping on the bit of root that jutted at the doorway. She had to prepare. They were welcoming new students that day, and it was always something Lee thoroughly enjoyed. New students meant new stories of the world beyond the school's borders. She'd heard of a giant statue in the image of a woman holding a torch, signifying liberty. She was sure nobe would be as appreciative of that word as her should she be able to finally gaze at it with her own eyes. She shook her head. Such depressing thoughts on such a wondrous day was not something she wanted. After a quick shower and a change of clothes, she peered outside her room and called out to her roommate. [color=007236]"Xin, want to walk with me to the Mess Hall?"[/color] She placed a hand on a nearby root and muttered a word under her breath. After her eyes unclouded, she grinned at Xinhua, practically vibrating with energy. [color=007236]"Mede's already at the Glyph. The new students will be arriving soon."[/color] And food. Food was sure to attract Xinhua. [@TheHangedMan]