[h2]Mako Moritomi//Sapphire Inn, Cavern, F1[/h2] [h3]Sunday, July 5, 2015[/h3] ==~== Mako gritted his teeth at the knight's insistence at staying upright. He thought about what attacks had been thrown at it so far, gauging the effectiveness of each one. They'd all done damage, sure, but none of them seemed overly effective, which was irritating. He searched inside himself again, seeing what else he was capable of. His eyebrow raised as he realized he was equipped with both Fire and Ice spells. [i][color=0076a3]Intriguing. I don't think anyone else has tried Ice. I'm not even sure if any of the others are even capable of it.[/color][/i] He began summoning Israfil again, still grinning in a predatory way. [color=0076a3][i]Only one way to find out if this is a good idea.[/i] "Persona!"[/color] he shouted, Israfil bursting from the air behind him. He pointed at the knight (which he was pretty sure was unnecessary, but it was fun), and commanded again. [color=0076a3]"[i]Bufudyne![/i]"[/color] Israfil responded, slashing its trumpet-lance-thing in the knight's direction as it manifested shards of ice, flinging them at the Shadow.