[center][color=00a99d]Amalia Solair[/color] future bride of [color=a187be]Cuwarr Naxremis[/color] and future sister-bride of [color=f26522]Kalani Solle[/color] [hider][img]http://www.yareah.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/daenerys-targaryen.jpg[/img][/hider] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] There was some kind of commotion in the dining hall. When Amalia moved forward instinctively to see what had happened she was blocked by the guards. But from what people were saying, and from the girl that was dragged outside moments later, she guessed one of the brides had rebelled. The younger Gems surrounding her whimpered in fear of what would become of their fellow. They huddled around Amalia like chicks to a hen, and Amalia's maternal nature had her putting her arms around them as though she could shield them from whatever was about to happen. They were near enough to the windows that they could see the Gem being tied down by a Drakken guard. There was nothing they could do but watch. A unusual Drakken entered. He wore some kind of fabric over his eyes. That was not all that was unusual about him. He physically differed from other Drakken she had seen : slimmer, slight build that bespoke underlying strength, and golden hair. No doubt his mother had been Gemmite, for he had retained quite a bit from her genes. [color=a187be]"If you can flee without being struck, you may live."[/color] The words he called made her shudder. What had the Gem done that her death would be reduced to some kind of twisted target practice? The girls buried their faces against her dressed and she murmured, shushing them as best as she could. They did not want to draw attention to themselves right now. Tempers were running high and the Drakken's would be looking for reasons to spill blood. It was what they enjoyed seeing how they huddled at the windows, fighting for a good vantage point and taking bets on how far the Gem would get. It made her ill to see how eager they were for someone to die. Life was a precious gift from the Great Mother. It was something to be guarded, protected, celebrated. To enjoy it being taken, and so cruelly, was something she could not fathom. The first arrow was shot and Amalia closed her eyes, already whispering a prayer to the Great Mother to care for the poor girl's soul. Several gasps made her open her eyes to see, to her complete surprise, that the arrow had missed its mark. The girl lived still. Another arrow shot and it also missed. Drakken began hissing and grumbling. When the girl was out of sight all eyes went to the Drakken Lord. He said nothing, barely reacted to the jeering and harsh comments he received. Was his eye sight bad? Had he missed under the pressure of being watched by so many? Or had he let her live on purpose, giving her a longer and harsher death from the elements or by wild beasts rather than granting her a quick death? Were Drakken that cruel? Of course they were. The Drakken Lord left the hall with a dark haired Gem that had to be his bride in tow. Amalia hadn't missed the injury to his neck. What had happened? The thought that the runaway Gem had caused such an injury was incredulous but it was the only thought that made the actions she had just witnessed make any sense. Why would a Gem be crazy enough to attempt to harm a Drakken? Gems could not fight Drakkens. It was a simple fact that had been proven for years. Could she really have been so desperate to get away that death was a better option than life with a Drakken? Things were so dark and ugly here. Amalia closed her eyes again, tears threatening to spill over. This was a world she did not understand, a world she did not want to understand. If it wouldn't have been such a dishonor to the Great Mother, Amalia would have considered taking her own life. [color=00a99d]"Stop weeping,"[/color] she told the girls around her in a gentle but firm tone. [color=00a99d]"Our sister lives. The Great Mother will watch over her."[/color] A hand in her hair made her cry out in pain and surprise. Her head snapped back and she was faced with a Drakken guard that loomed over her menacingly. "You dare mention your weak goddess on Drakken ground," he spat at her before shoving her forward and onto the floor. "Do you really believe she cares for you at all? She has forgotten you." Amalia slowly got up and faced him. [color=00a99d]"A true mother never forgets her children. Even those who stray. The Great Mother loves and cares for all, even you."[/color] A hard slam to her chest put her on the floor again. The Gems around her scattered and held each other. No one remained to stand by her, unlike what she had done for them. The guard couldn't strike her face, but he felt no hesitance in hitting the rest of her. Amalia had the wind knocked out of her and couldn't breathe for a few moments, hence she could not brace for the next strike to her side from his booted foot. A hand around her neck pulled her up into the air. "Continue to speak that way and you won't survive an hour," he snarled before tossing her into the other Gems, who immediately backed away from her. They avoided looking at her, not wanting to be involved. Amalia got to her feet again. The guard snorted. "You are nothing and your people are nothing. Your hatred for the Drakken-" [color=00a99d]"I am not nothing,"[/color] Amalia snapped, facing him with no hint of fear or cowardice. [color=00a99d]"I am Amalia Solair, daughter of the Earth and the Sky. I may not love the Drakken but I will never hate them. Hatred is the poison your people feed on. It blackens your hearts and corrupts your souls. And I swear by the Great Mother Vivari herself that you will not taint my heart with it."[/color]