"All right," spoke Leo, "after the ceremony." [i]Well, that went well,[/i] thought the boy. [i]Okay, make that better than expected.[/i] At least Allen didn't reject him, and may even be willing to consider that his revelation was true. Even so, though, gazing at the other person's white hair, Leo would sigh about how he had been so blind as to not see the resemblance before. But today was not the time for regrets, now was the time to make new friends, friends that won't replace Daniel, but might still find a place in his heart. And, well, as it turned out, upon reaching the mess hall and breakfast, Leo found himself sitting beside a young boy, only nine years of age, who looked at the food disinterestedly. A smile at that: "Hey, kid, what's your name?" Leo would say. "Mine is Leo Young." [@Riffus Maximus][@TheHangedMan][@olcharlieboi]