[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oKdhdpB.png[/img] [b]"Oh, this is going to be SMASHING, baby!"[/b] [url=https://soundcloud.com/tonileys/robo-idol-irena-2-cool-2-b-human-lsdj-ver?in=tonileys/sets/super-kicking-robo-idol-irena]Theme of Perdy[/url] [b]NAME[/b] Perdy Babea [b]GENDER[/b] Male [b]AGE[/b] 15 [b]STARTER[/b] [Hider=Vanilla The Vanillite][img]http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/vanillite.gif[/img] [b]NICKNAME[/b] Vanilla [b]GENDER[/b] Female [b]ABILITY[/b] Ice Body[/hider] The letter is very gaudy, obviously trying to get the attention of the Professor before S/He even opens the envelope. Within the envelope is a multitude of papers, all beautifully written except for the obnoxious faces. Greetings, dearest Professor Juniper! I am Perdy, a soon to be renown entertainer and host of my own WONDERFUL show! (There's a small picture to the left he drew of his own face, flashing a huge grin with stars all around him) Oh, but I'm getting ahead of myself! You wanted to know about me, didn't you? Well thankfully, there's much to tell, as these pages may reveal! I am fifteen years of age, and yes, that's quite young to have a show on television, but you get nowhere in the business if you let things like that get in the way! "Sweep it under the rug," I always said! Anyhow, ever since birth, was always destined to be a star! My first glance at a TV was a wonderful display of talent from the Sinnoh region! The talent was of course Ric Heirmon's great live-action movie, "Piplup in Love!" Just thinking about how hard that poor Pokemon fought for the affection of Scraggy... Only to learn he loved her all along! I cry every single time! (The pages seem to have been slightly wet at one point.) I wish to produce such master pieces one day in my life! But, in order to do such a thing, I feel I must TRULY get in touch with Pokemon. Believe it or not, I have never had a Pokemon! I was so distracted in my dreams of stardom, I never found myself out on a journey... It didn't help that my father was much too busy to even consider searching for a Pokemon for me... He's a business man, you see. Always out and about, even to varying regions! I was mostly stuck watching TV during our trips, or my time alone at home in Goldenrod, or in the hotel rooms. It was hectic, but my life wasn't one of suffering! My father worked hard, and always made sure I had the necessities. I wasn't rich, of course, but I never had to worry! Such things cause one to grow soft, no? So I figured if ANYTHING could make my life interesting, it'd be a pokemon journey! Exploring the unknown! Battling Pokemon! Chasing legends and terrifying dangers! Just the though, oh, I LOVE IT. The DRAMA! The THRILLS! The thought is enough to make me self-destruct! I am extremely hopeful when I ask that you aid me in going on my journey! It's not a one-sided offer, either! Consider when I'm famous, you and your lab will grow in popularity tenfold for helping a rising star in his humble beginnings! And I'll even put a Special Thanks in my first movie! "Teddiursa In Love!" It's going to be great, it's all about... (There are two full pages about the plot of his movie, it's cliche and mushy, but a lot of people are into that kind of thing... Maybe even the Professor in question. Eventually it ends...) I hope to bring entertainment to the whole world one day! With ideas like this one, I'm a sure-fire star, can't you tell? My destiny is clear to me, and I can feel it that YOU are the one to help me reach my goal! (In dramatically big words, he has written *STARDOM~!*) Well! I've been rambling on long enough! I hope you consider this letter well, and I await your response! Farewell, for now, and I hope to meet you in person soon! -Perdy Bebea [/center] -------------------------------- Hopefully that's alright! Whoever said ONE vote didn't matter? lol