[center] [h1] [color=cornflowerblue] Luna E. Prior [/color] [/h1] [/center] Luna had given Viola a smirk as they left the room, peering one last time towards it. She happily greeted both Lee and Xinhua with a smile. And before she could even conjure another thought, Lee came to embrace the girl, the tone of her voice giving her away. Luna could not help but return the embrace along with a small giggle at the question, knowing perfectly well what Lee wanted to see. [Color=cornflowerblue]“Starting early this year, are we, Lee?” [/color] Luna grinned at Lee, offering a smile towards Xinhua afterwards. Luna had grown rather fond of Lee’s joyful nature, seeing, as it always was uplifting. The girl seemed to find happiness in everything it appeared, an almost inhumane joy. Lee lived in the moment, and did not seem to ponder much on the future and past, much contracting to Luna. She herself was obsessed with it, both of the subjects. And not to forget the graceful nature of the magic Lee practiced. Hauntingly stunning, Luna had always thought, and yet, whenever Lee would ask to see, or even hear the result of one of Luna’s experiments, she had refused. The thought made Luna quickly wrinkle her nose in disapproval of herself. She had barely ever told Karen or Viola about any of it. The reason for it, Luna had trouble realizing herself. And to that she concluded; [Color=cornflowerblue]“Perhaps after the ceremony.” [/color] Luna said towards Lee, fully realizing how much a ‘perhaps’ meant from her. Surely, there could not be too much harm in sharing a thing or two with Lee. Hopefully. [Color=cornflowerblue]“And just as Viola said, I believe we all should get a move on, no? Be an awful bad first impression to be late on the first day.” [/color] Especially embarrassing for a Chronomancer. Gesturing the others along, Luna took the first steps down the hall, towards the general direction of the Communal Mess Hall. Though it was her sixth year, Luna never got tired of the opening ceremony. Such a cozy and grand event, she had always thought. Meeting new students, eating splendid food, and the excitement for the beginning of the year. That thought having passed; awaiting lectures with Eleanor McKinly was a sensation of rather mixed feelings. Eleanor was incredibly talented and had immense knowledge on Chronomancy, but it wouldn’t be unusual for her to hand Luna towers of books for homework, always stating that [i]”Time shouldn’t be a problem for a chronomancer, don’t you agree?”[/i] But Luna admired her in every aspect. A few students passed the group, being in an awful rush towards the Communal Mess Hall. Luna looked over her shoulder towards the others, interrupting any small-talk they might’ve had. [color=cornflowerblue]“Anything you lot are looking forward to this year? Lectures, meals, newly arrived boys?” [/color] Luna snickered towards Viola at that last one, having found a small pleasure in teasing her with the subject the last few months. Still, the question might have been relevant to some of them. Luna adjusted her spiral braid, being rather thankful the poltergeists had listened to Viola and not ruined anything – Luna was so fussy when it came to her hair. [@TheHangedMan] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Leoven]