[@Graviloquence], took me a while to get through your giant of a CS, but after a long read, I can say it's very much worth the time. You've put your heart into it and the end result shows. There's nothing I can nitpick off of you. Consider Bharzak accepted unless [@Dervish] or [@Leidenschaft] have additional requirements. About the parts you left open: -Let's discuss integrating your character in PM, as there may be spoilers. -A gardbrace is perfectly acceptable. Also, six books and a stack of paper is quite the dead load. You may want to lose a book or two. I know the games didn't show this, but consider adding an "enchanting kit" in her toolbox. [hr] Bthamz guyz, talking is our democratically elected approach. Now pick the two spokespersons. Self-nomination is fair game.