[h3][center][color=a187be]~Viola Rifei~[/color][/center][/h3] [@SlashInfinite] [@TheHangedMan] [@Leoven] [hr] For the most part, Viola stuck close to Lee and Luna as they walked, only sparing Xinhua small smile. Might as well tolerate her presence for now, at least. She wanted to talk to Lee in a much more...intimate setting later, anyways. Making bad with her roommate would be a pretty bad idea and possible hinder her attempts to make nice with Lee herself...hmm...perhaps it'd be possible to make nice with Xinhua? Despite her not being impressed with her, she'd be a very useful 'friend' to have regardless. [i][color=cornflowerblue]“Anything you lot are looking forward to this year? Lectures, meals, newly arrived boys?”[/color][/i] Viola turned her head towards Luna, she was likely just teasing her. She wasn't particularly interested in such matters, plus, if she wanted a boyfriend she'd just ask a one Mr. Allen Strauss out. He was fairly talented, and quite...well, attractive as far as men went. That said, she was more inclined to...be interested in those of the same sex. [color=a187be]"Boys?"[/color] Viola pouted slightly, moving a few steps closer to Luna. Well, two could play at this game just a bit. [color=a187be]"Luna."[/color] She looked up at the taller girl as they walked, pouting and puffing out her cheeks slightly. [color=a187be]"Why would I want a boyfriend? I already have big sis Luna. I wouldn't fall for the silly tricks of boys~"[/color] This was all completely bullshit of course, she didn't care one way or another if Luna had a significant other. That just made them easier to play with, but she wasn't about to not just mess with her just a bit...of course, on the off chance she didn't get flustered by this, she always had more up her vast arsenal of rapier wit. [color=a187be]"So...you better not leave me either~"[/color] She had adjusted her body to be leaning into Luna's side, with her arms wrapped around her in a hug. With her back to the others, she gave Luna a small smirk, before looking up at her in a somewhat expectant manner.