[center] [h1] [color=fff79a]Viktor[/color] [/h1] [/center] A strange figure appeared with a rather loud, but harmless, shockwave of magic, just outside of the student dorms. Slowly getting up, he shook his head and cleaned his clothes. [color=fff79a]"Finally... Four months... I shouldnt have pulled that string..."[/color] he said, feeling a little dizzy, hungry, thirsty and exhausted. This time he took four months to disentangle the magic strings that caused that mess... A powerful seal trapped him between dimensions for four months, four extremely boring and exhausting months. Slowly, he walked inside the dorms, trying to conserve his strengths. Getting inside, he went straight to his old room. As he looked to the door, he stopped in his tracks. [color=fff79a]"Oh no..."[/color] he said with his eyes wide open, an overly intricate knot appearing between his hands. [color=fff79a]"Shit... this time Polyanna WILL kill me... An entire room, now is unreachable and sealed in some weird dimension..."[/color] he said, hopelessly looking to the sealed door. The entire room was sealed, and he wasnt able to bring it back.[color=fff79a] "All my researches and notes..."[/color] Still trying to untangle the strings, without much success, he suddenly stopped, almost collapsing. His head started to spin as he fell on the ground, almost unconscious. He gathered the rest of his strength and walked to walk to the infirmary, walking to the exit, he passed in front of some other student. [color=fff79a]"Some water... and food... please."[/color] he struggled to speak, putting away the cowl that covered his delicate face. Just as he finished speaking, he fell on the ground, unconscious, threads of magic from the sealed door still swirling and coiling around him, slowly disappearing. [@TheHangedMan] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Leoven][@SlashInfinite] + anyone in the dorms.