Leo nodded; seemed Charles was laconic, as well as nervous. That left it up to him to break the ice between them...assuming the small kid wanted the ice to be broken. Nevertheless, Leo, between mouthfuls of food, would then say: "You don't know what to do with your powers, then?" There wasn't a time in which Leo couldn't remember not using Magic, so he didn't have any similar experience to Charles. Nevertheless, the eighteen-year old would at least attempt to sympathize. Pausing his meal for a moment, Leo, with both his hands, crafted a small sculpture of condensed Mana, a small scuplture of the train that had brought Charles here. He would then hand it over to the nine-year old, saying: "This train can be used either as a toy, or a source of reserve energy for when you need to cast spells but have drained your own strength. Here, I'll give this to you." [@TheHangedMan][@olcharlieboi]