[right][color=007236][b][h3]L E E[/h3][/b][/color][i]12-A[/i][/right] The way Lee's eyes widened and her jaw dropped was almost comical. She blinked wildly at Luna, processing her words, before looking over to her roommate, as if for some reason Xinhua would be able to tell her if she was simply hallucinating words she desperately wanted to hear. Blinking back towards Luna, a smile that could only be compared to the brilliant twinkling of the stars in the night sky spread over her face. [color=007236]"You're serious?"[/color] She could already feel her magic's hold on some of the plantlife around the dorm, especially in her room, cause them to bloom into life. [color=007236]"You are! I can't wait!"[/color] She paused, thinking. [color=007236]"Do you think you could move time forward to after the ceremony?"[/color] It was a cheeky request, and something made obvious by her playful grin. She skipped back towards Xinhua, petting Tao Cai and wrapping an arm around its master's shoulder. She grinned brightly at Viola who hadwalked with them, laughing at how Luna teased the younger girl. It was endearing how close those two were, and if she hadn't had her arm around her own roommate, she would have been a bit jealous. Perhaps she should ask to speak with the girl later. Viola dealt with spirits. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume that she had some knowledge on deities too, even just theoretical. All Lee had to do was slip in that question into a conversation, using every bit of sly wit she could. A frown formed on her lips. She was anything but sly. It would certainly prove to be a difficult- Thump. A student, dressed in the oddest clothes Lee had ever seen before, passed out in front of their group. Wait. Odd clothes? Blonde hair? The most enchanting white holes in his hands? Lee released her hold on Xinhua and rushed to help the student sit. Sure enough, it was someone she had seen before, but never had the opportunity to speak with. Viktor. [color=007236]"Are you alright?"[/color] Her charge wasn't able to answer, passed out as he was. He felt weak, and a rush of worry settled deep within Lee's chest. She asked for Xinhua's help to move them towards the window, where sunlight was slipping through. Once there, she placed a hand on his forehead, tucking away some errant strands of blonde hair away, and brought up the power of a spell she rarely used. [i]Breathe[/i]. Magic rushed from her fingertips, fuelled by the sunlight behind her. It wasn't the healing magic of the nurses in the infirmary, but she hoped it would alleviate some of the stress on Viktor, at least until they could bring him to the infirmary. She looked around at the students, not really trusting her own physical strength. [color=007236]"Some help, please. We need to bring him to the infirmary."[/color] [@TheHangedMan] [@SlashInfinite] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@13org]