[quote=@Synchronize] [@onenote]o no, were going by their in game movesets. so a level 5 hoppip will have [u][i][b]splash and synthesis[/b][/i][/u]. good luck with that :p XDDD [/quote] Maria: ... Don't worry, I came prepared *starts throwing rocks and pokecandy at wild pokemon* [@Raddum] Oh my gosh yeah XD It's going to be great I can't wait! She's going to be so done with Perdy if he keeps getting in the way. I imagine Briar might be kind of the same way [@Leoven]? (also good character by the way, now here's hoping the surrounding areas can handle these twos fabulousness) And yes, I did draw Maria. I like drawing my characters out. I think might draw more stuff from this rp later.