[right][color=007236][b][h3]L E E[/h3][/b][/color][i]12-A[/i][/right] Polyanna Saccharine. Lee could feel herself breathe easier with the Head Enforcer's appearance. She was a cheerful person, and one who Lee always wanted to be around with. The uniqueness of her magic made things all the better. The broken deity watched as the lolly did what her magic could only hope to, and she wondered if she could one day mimic such skill. She made a mental note to work on the healing properties of her magic in the near future. When it was their turn to receive a lollipop, Lee hurried to stand and eagerly grabbed hers. It always tasted different. Once, the treat Polyanna had given her tasted of the fresh strawberries Ophelia loved in her garden. They were treated with such care and affection that the fruit oozed with sweetness and delight. The treat had mimicked it perfectly, and a pang of want for the woman that was her home had struck Lee hard then. Now, as she leaned into Xinhua, the lollipop tasted vaguely like pine trees and sunlight flickering through the canopy. It tasted like power far greater than any Lee had ever experienced. Polyanna's treats were made to taste exactly how its owner wanted it to. Lee paused, lollipop still in her mouth. What was that she tasted? What part of her had wanted that taste? She mentally shook the thoughts away, and knelt down next to Viktor to check on him. He seemed okay, better now with Polyanna's magic, but she knew that when he woke, he'd be in a whole mess of trouble. She patted his head sadly, before standing up and grinning at the others. She released the lollipop with a loud pop and stuck her tongue out. [color=007236]"Hey, lemme have a lick,"[/color] she said to Xinhua, playfully licking the girl's cheek. With a laugh, she turned to Viola and Luna, grinning brightly at them. [color=007236]"You too."[/color] She paused, eyes wandering over to Karen. [color=007236]"Oh yeah. Karen. Totally forgot you were there."[/color] She grabbed Xinhua and shot the rather plain girl a vibrant smile, only with a slight hint of taunting. [color=007236]"Want a taste?"[/color] [@TheHangedMan] [@13org] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@SlashInfinite]