[quote=@Hank] Currently toying with three idea in my head for what Niernen does next. She can go with Hargjorn and Ashav to check out the Ashlander ship, she can go to the [i]Kyne's Tear[/i] for some R&R [i]or[/i] she follows Madura into the Dwener ruins in a mad act of desperation to reconnect with Do'Kart once she learns he's down there. Thoughts? [/quote] Niernen doesn't even know if Do'Karth is still alive. A Dwemer ruin is the last thing she wants to be after starving and beaten to near death for a weak. The spokesperson vote will close tomorrow. [@MiddleEarthRoze], [@Mortarion], [@Peik] and [@Scout] still have not voted. We'll only have one people going if there's a tie for second place (a penalty in that case). The count so far: -Do'Karth (3) -Raelyn (2) -Sadri (2) -Tsleeixth (1) Aiming for updating tomorrow. Edit: [@MacabreFox] hasn't narrowed down Leif's choice yet.