[@Hippo AF] The Enforcer stared blankly at Britney, before cracking a grin. "Okay, I like you. It's only the first day of the term so why the hell not?" He paused. "Just, uh, not here. I'd really rather avoid breaking my own rules, yeah? Let's see, if you could wait a moment . . ." Putting a hand in his pocket, he pulled out a tiny, golden sphere, and placed it against his ear gently. He began speaking out loud, as though he were talking through a phone. "Ay, this is Donovan, can someone clear Area 8-1 for a Duel? Is it official?" He glanced at Britney, before scrunching his eyes in thought. "Yeah, yeah, make it official. I'll leave the witnesses up to you. And get Melody as the doctor on site. Alright. Yeah. Okay. Nice, thanks." Nodding, the Enforcer pocketed the ball once again, and turned to Britney with s grin. "Alright, I got a nice little arena set up just for us. Remember, you lose, no complaints, you win, I let you off easy this time." Not making any further delay, the man made way for the dueling grounds, taking the train on the way there. Multiple trains usually ran at the same time, so he didn't interfere with the opening ceremony. Once he arrived, he took off his uniform, leaving only the white tank-top he was wearing underneath. It wasn't evident from under his uniform, but he was heavily built. Stretching, the man faced Britney with a cocksure grin. "Names Donovan Pirovsky, before I forget to introduce myself. Ready when you are."