[quote=@Leoven] [@Synchronize] Wait. Are we all going to be travelling together as a group or seperate?[/quote] with the way the rp is set up, it honestly favors solo travel. as i explained to onenote, it could get rather convoluted and really slow the pace of the rp if youre traveling in a group and everyone wants to battle a gym leader or complete an event. i will leave it up to you and the rest of the players though if you all wanna group, travel in packs, or solo. tldr its up to u :p [quote]Also, can we participate in contests? Are they a thing?[/quote] im not well versed in contests, but i will research them and consider implementing them. is there any interest in competing in them? [quote]Btw fixed BRIAR to now have Shinx as thw starter. [hider=BRIAR (fixed)] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/3b/3e/a7/3b3ea7b825f6514925c8900f9e6b9a32.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] BRIAR [b]Pronouns:[/b] They/Them [b]Age:[/b] 17 [hider=Starter (Shinx)] [center][img]http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/shinx.gif[/img][/center] [b]Nickname:[/b] Spica [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Ability:[/b] Intimidate [/hider] [hider=Letter] [The envelope is fancy, marked with the shipping stamp of the Unova region. A brown seal the colour (and smell) of coffee with the image of a pair of dark sunglasses bars the entrance of any unwanted eyes to the letter held within. Opening the envelop brings the sight of a neatly folded letter with elegant script detailing the sender's interests.] Addressed to: Professor Juniper Greetings. This letter should have arrived at your doorstep courtesy of my personal assistant, and so the need to introduce myself should be deemed unnecessary. [Should the professor look upon the evidently tired young woman who had handed the envelope to them, she would show them her phone with BRIAR's profile already loaded up.] Then again, even without that simpering fool right there with you, I doubt my name has fled your mind ever since you've seen me on television or heard me on the radio. That's right, Professor. Be honoured, for the one and only BRIAR has chosen you to be the recepient of a handwritten letter. My hordes of fans would kill to be in your position, so do not squander the sensation by letting fools like my assistant and what other sad excuses for applicants you have outshine my words. [There was an evident pause in the writing.] Oh? My assistant just informed me that Perdy has also sent you a letter. How quaint. That talentless sap got into the industry due to pure luck. I would bet one of my many, many expensive vehicles that he even had some relatives within. Nepotism is a curse. Unlike me, the great BRIAR whose life is as dramatic and brilliant as a movie. Several, in fact, have been produced detailing my rise to glory. I'm sure you've watched them. Such masterpieces, don't you think? But I digress. I meant to tell you about my rise to glory, which I assume you already know through my aforementioned films. Either way, I grew up at an orphanage, abandoned by foolish, idiotic parents who failed to see the gift thrust upon them by the cosmos. The plebians I shared that roof with were of the nastiest sort and I was determined to rid myself of their grime as soon as possible. At the wee age of three, I began to join singing competitions around Unova, all of which I won. Of course, I did. Following my eight trophy, I was five then, someone who finally understood I was a star chained to the earth decided to liberate me. I'm sure you know of him. He's my producer, the magnificent Shou Prism. He brought me to the spotlight at the age of seven, after numerous workshops that I didn't really need as I was already flawless. Still, I blew the crowd away, and the rest, as they say, is history. I now have three platinum albums under my belt, four films where I am the lead actress, more awards that I can count, and wealth to rival any in all the regions. Now, I'm sure you must already be jumping to the opportunity I'm presenting you, but allow me to explain just exactly how I can be of use to you. You seek to inspire people to become Trainers again, yes? Here you have in front of you a very talented, insanely popular, and undoubtedly magnificent woman prepared to offer her services. Give me a Pokemon, let me wander around your region with a camera to show my fans the wonder and joys and whatever of having a Pokemon, and before you know it, you'll have thousands scampering to rid your little laboratory of your critters. I know what you must be thinking. Oh great BRIAR, how lucky are we that you're willing to do this for us. And for free too. Well, let me just say that I love my fans, and I am willing to sacrifice my designer boots in order to show them what they're missing. [Emblazoned at the bottom of the paper is BRIAR's sigil, a pair of darksunglasses and a mic.] [Should the Professors ask the assistant what the true reason behind BRIAR's letter, the assistant would fidget and hesitate before revealing that she was also a fan of her boss and was already used to their attitude, but a video had been released to the public which soured their image to their fans. Now, they're using Pokemon to endear themselves to the people again.] [/hider] [/hider] [/quote] accepted! go ahead and post them in the character thread :)