[center][h1][color=ec008c]Britney Chambers & Donovan Pirovsky || Area 8-1 [/color][/h1][/center] Britney grinned with excitement as she followed the Enforcer to the arena, following closely without any words transferred between the two. She took her spot at the opposite side of the Enforcer and stood ready for both offense and defense. Britney knew she was at a disadvantage on two fronts, for starters, he knew her power and she knew nothing of his, and secondly, he was clearly a Journeyman or a Master. "[color=ec008c]Well Donovan, my name is Britney Chambers, I'm sorry for making you're first day of the term a bit rough, and all before the big breakfast. But I have a goal. Someone I [i]need[/i] to fight, and I can't afford losses. I'm ready, so let's go![/color]" Donovan nodded. He understood the sentiment - near everyone who was an Enforcer wanted to fight Descartes Olton, and the man himself wanted to fight Polyanna Saccharine. It was a desire that everyone seeking strength share, the desire to match someone far above them. Donovan's dark eyes flashed silver suddenly, and the man assumed a fighting stance. Stepping forward quickly, he seized the initiative and threw a quick punch aimed towards Britney's head. Britney was almost thrown off by how quick he moved, his eyes were of silver, could this be his magic, his power, is this what she needed to be wary of? Britney kept her cool and ducked, she swiped at his feet with a sweeping kick followed by a quick uppercut. It's true she focused her time training her magic, but that's only because her hand to hand skills were already pristine. Donovan just grinned and dug his feet in, taking the weep and stopping it short. As for the uppercut, he dealt with it in the same manner, smashing his forehead downwards and into Britney's fist, intent on breaking her knuckles with his skull. There was a reason boxer wore gloves after all - and it wasn't just for the other guys safety. Human bones were sturdier than what most people gave it credit for. Britney jumped back twice, creating a big gap between the two. Her leg was sore, maybe slightly bruised. But her hand, she dislocated her knuckle, she slightly winced as she popped it back. She stretched each fingers. "You can tell a lot about a person in a fight. And the vibe I'm getting from you is sturdiness, brute force." She lowered her hand and muttered a spell under her breath, she lowered the gravity of her body. She dashed forward at blinding speed, appearing behind the man, and as he went to turn, she dashed again, reappearing from his side now, throwing one quick punch to his neck. Surely this will hit... Silently, Donovan stretched his arm forward, then drew it back, thrusting his elbow at his side, directly at Britney. The elbow wasn't even close to touching her, and yet, a sudden explosion of force erupted over her solar plexus. Unless she would withstand the blow, she would be reeling hard. In the meant time, Donovan used the force of his own attack to dampen her own, so while punch landed, it didn't do the damage it should have. Britney was quick, she pushed gravity into the front of her stomach, the explosion that hit her stomach was severely weakened, as for her punch, not even close to being effective. She reeled off for a bit. She was slightly out of breath, to move so quick with no results, it was frustrating, "[color=ec008c]This is the power of an Enforcer. Let me ask you, are you a Journeyman, Donvan?[/color]" Donovan straightened up, and smirked. "Aye, though I'll have you know I'm pretty-run-of-the-mill if we're talking Enforcers. You could find a dozens like me, and a dozen more who're stronger than me. In any case, you're pretty quick, but you don't have much power. If that's the case, I can see how this fights gonna go, yeah?" Assuming a fighting stance once more, he stayed on guard, awaiting her next move. Donovan was right. Britney couldn't win, but unfortunately, she also couldn't lose. Britney's stance loosened, she stood up straight with her eyes close, her breathing slow but steady. "[color=ec008c]So it's power you wanna see...?[/color] She said, the air in the arena starting to become dense, pushing down with force. The floor they stood on started to feel the immense pressure, cracking and shifting. Donovan remained still, silently observing her. But from the way his body was relaxed, the way he was looking at her triumphantly, it was telling her as though "no matter how powerful, I'll still win." Frankly, the moment the denser the air became, the more assure he looked. Britney had one last card to play, she knew she was to lose, but if she could at least move him, she'll call this a slight win. With the power growing heavy, the walls and roof started to shift under pressure, the air around was at boiling point. The only remaining uncracked ground was under Britney. Her eyes shot open, [color=fff200]Gravity Magic: Intense Push![/color] A bubble around Britney shot away from her, the ground was devastated and was picked up into the air, the walls were smashed with a volley of air, and it was headed straight for Donovan, [i]Please, just knock him down or something... I have nothing left...[/i] "Heh." As the bubble of destructive energy launched towards Donovan, it suddenly grew in power and expanded, beyond what Britney herself was able to do. Just as the wave of destructing reached Donovan however, the man jabbed a single finger into it, and like a plastic bag being sucked into an air vent, it imploded, shrinking into itself like until it eventually disappeared, leaving no trace that it had ever existed. "I'll give you this. It was impressive attack, but sadly, dealing with impressive attacks is my specialty." Donovan stood, rolling his shoulders idly. "Won't tell you why, but I will say my magic is good at that." Crossing his arms, he stared at Britney speculatively. "Earlier, you said sturdiness and brute force is my specialty. You only got it half-right. I'm sturdy, but more than brute force, I'm precise. I know how, when and where to hit you." Despite the initial reason they came here, he began sounding as though he were giving her pointers, completely forgetting their agreement before the fight. "And in a fight, it's not just physical skill. You should've known, I couldn't keep up with you in speed. Eventually, you would have gotten a good strike in, if you kept maneuvering around me. Couldn't let you do that of course, so I goaded you into a contest of strength, which was my playing field. You lost the minute you gave up your advantage and yielded to mine." Britney fell to her knees, that last minute of power destroyed her stamina. Her head sagged low, like she was about to cry, until a soft chuckle escaped her. "[color=ec008c]Donovan. You are one hell of a mage. Thanks for the pointers, I'll keep them in mind.[/color] She slowly rose to her feet and just as slowly walked over to him. "[color=ec008c]You should teach, you could do a lot of good.[/color]" She looked him in the eyes, "[color=ec008c]Deals a deal. Quietly, I'll come with you. But...[/color] She grinned, her face of determination, "[color=ec008c]Their is someone I need to beat, but before them, I need to beat you.[/color]" Donovan blinked, before laughing heartily. "Haha! Actually, I completely forgot about the deal . . . Ah what the hell, the Disciplinary Office probably wouldn't appreciate bringing you in for something so minor on the first day anyway, so I'll just let you of with a warning anyhow. You did fix it afterward after all." "Anyway, I'm not fit for teaching. I mean, I'm a competent fighter and all, but that's about it. Any of the others would've told you the same thing. As for beating me first," Donovan's grin widened, showing his teeth and becoming truly feral, "I've got to warn you, I've got my own goal as well, so I'm not gonna stand still and wait for you to catch up to me." "How about no?" A voice from the outskirts of the field cried out. Three Enforcers, two women and one male, approached Donovan, looking slightly irritated. The male walked in the center, and was the one who spoke. "Dammit Donovan, if you were just going to null the fucking agreement what the hell was the point of calling us as witnesses?" Donovan blinked and sheepishly scratched the back of his head. Turning to Britney, he mock-whispered, "You go on ahead to the Mess Hall yeah? I'll deal with shorty here. Don't worry." "I CAN HEAR YOU QUITE CLEARLY ASSHOLE!" Britney saw the situation and when given the signal to leave, she wasn't gonna deny her chance to leave. As she walked out of the arena, she turned at the exit, to turn back around to Donovan, "[color=ec008c]It doesn't matter if you wait for me to catch up... I'll pass you, just watch Donovan, I'll be a head of you in no time.[/color]" Her eyes met with Donovan, both with a sense of rivalry. Despite being yelled at by his comrades, Donovan turned to her and smirked. "We'll see!" He yelled back. "LISTEN TO ME WHEN I'M YELLING AT YOU ASSHOLE!" "Okay, okay, geez . . ."