[Color=cornflowerblue] [center] [h1] Luna E. Prior [/h1] [/center] [/color] Luna snorted bemused at Viola, shaking her head with a grin. It was not entirely unexpected, seeing as teasing Viola often earned you a shot back. She gave the girl a light push with another grin, calling the small exchange a draw. The conversation was interrupted when Viktor dropped out of the blue, lying on the floor like a baby seal in the middle of a desert. Lee quickly tended to him, leaving Luna rather dumbfounded as she blinked her eyes at the weaver. His clothing was as peculiar as ever, and it was hard not to stare at his hands every now and then. Luna only recalled a few minor conversations with Viktor – nothing major. He always looked like something out a fairy tale. The odd and clever sorcerer perhaps, even if he did seem to suddenly disappear every now and then. But his magic interested Luna, especially with the possibility of traveling between dimensions. It was something she certainly wanted to learn herself – however it may be possible. For now, though, manipulating time itself was quite the trick to pull off. In addition to that, gaining control over space would be… indescribable. The chronomancer did not even make it to ask the dehydrated mage anything before another known figure appeared. Polyanna Saccharine shared the oddness of clothing with Viktor. It was not difficult to recognize the two, even at a distance. Luna remained ever so silent, simply observing the situation before her. Though she did accept the lollipop, the girl eyed it for a bit, seeming rather reluctant. Sweets never had been her strong suit, seeing, as her parents had had no interest in giving any to her. That had not bothered her, as it just was what it was, sweets. Upon Luna’s arm, a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ba/d2/a3/bad2a3eeebbc7ef7c785cec31f7d98ca.jpg]sigil[/url] began to light up in a faint golden glow. If someone noticed it, it would not take them long to notice the frown that followed with it on Luna’s face. [color=cornflowerblue]“I do not mean to be rude. But we’re in fact late for the ceremony.” [/color] Luna muttered as Lee went to have a lick on the lollipop, which she herself still had not touched at all. Still, it did not seem to bother her. Instead, Luna went to Viktor. The sigil was still glowing faintly, not being bigger than a small apple. She peered at him for a second or two, pondering upon something. Supposedly, he should wake up soon. Still, she could use sooner. With that, thought Luna held up her hand, a few centimeters from the boy’s forehead. Her eyes briefly looked over her shoulder, furrowing her brow at the group before turning her head back. She cleared her throat, as she always did before messing with magic. She muttered to herself briefly, but instead of any magical sensation the group behind her might have expected, Luna gave Viktor a light slap on the scarf that covered his face. [color=cornflowerblue]“Viktor! Come on, now. Not only does Polyanna want to see you, but we’re –late-.” [/color] [@TheHangedMan] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Leoven] [@13org]