[h3][center][color=a187be]~Viola Rifei~[/color][/center][/h3] [@SlashInfinite] [@TheHangedMan] [@Leoven] [@13org] [hr] [color=a187be]"Wah...big sis Luna ignored me." [/color]She poked her lip out, pouting a bit and puffing out her cheeks as she was pushed off of the girl. [color=a187be]"I'm hurt."[/color] The mood didn't last long though, they were suddenly in the presence of something much more interesting then her playing around with Luna. Now, who was this man? Viktor? She didn't know him, but she knew of him, and he was someone Viola would be [i]very[/i] interested in befriending. And then a lollipop was shoved in her face, and all thoughts of anything else was shoved out of her head. Viola took the treat with a quiet, obviously delighted squeal. If there was one way to get on Violas good side - it was to to give her free sweets of any sort. She immediately stuffed the thing in her mouth, obviously greatly enjoying it. It tasted...just like a freshly picked strawberries - her favorite. She'd have to make sure to kiss up to Polyanna now. Free source of candy has been spotted, and she will fully exploit that. Similarly, someone had asked if they could have a taste of hers. Well, Lee [i]was[/i] cute and she wanted to get on her good side...she could sacrifice her sweets for the sake of her own personal goals without too much regret. She walked over to Lee, pulling the piece of candy out of her mouth, offering it to Lee. [color=a187be]"I certainly do."[/color] Viola replied with a bright giggle. [color=a187be]"You can have a taste of mine, if you want! Though, considering I think they're supposed to taste like whatever the taster wants them too, it's not gonna taste any different."[/color] She then turned her head to Luna. [color=a187be]"Luuuna~"[/color] She said in the sweetest voice she could.[color=a187be] "If you don't want one you should give it to your adorable little sister."[/color]