[center] [h1] [color=fff79a]Viktor[/color] [/h1] [/center] Drifting in and out of consciousness, Viktor heard a sweet voice, asking something. It was hard to hear exactly what, he was too weak and exhausted. A delicate hand touched his forehead, and he felt a very warm and comfortable magic enveloping him. It was a feeling that he wasn't very used to. A warmth in his heart, like someone embraced him. Slowly opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was a beautiful girl, with long, golden eyes and a very worried expression. What was her name? He surely saw her around the campus, but he never looked directly to her, now that he did, she was amazing. Lee, wasn't it? He tried to speak, to apologize, but his body failed him once more. It didn't matter how much he tried, words didn't came out of his mouth. Suddenly, he saw her... Polyanna. He skipped a heartbeat. She was the last person he wanted to see now. Closing his eyes again as quick as he could, he held his breath, feigning still being unconscious. [i]"She will surely kill me this time..."[/i] he thought to himself, the time seemed to crawl as he waited for her to go away. Without any warning, he felt a lollipop being shoved in his mouth. It tasted like chocolate. Something he didn't tasted for a long time. A surge of energy passed through his body, revitalizing every cell. He felt a little better. "An' tell 'im to get to my office afterwards. I want have a word with him about losing school property." And now that feeling was gone. [i]"Shit..."[/i] he could feel the enforcer's words piercing his ears. She was talking directly to him. As he heard the enforcer's steps going away, he breathed a little easier. He would have some serious problems. The moment he would drop the feigning act, he heard another girl coming. This one he knew. Luna. She had quite a... reputation around the campus. A light slap hit his face. [color=cornflowerblue]“Viktor! Come on, now. Not only does Polyanna want to see you, but we’re –late-.” [/color] [color=fff79a]"Ok... ok, I am... awake, you don't need to hit me."[/color] he said, catching his breath. [color=fff79a]"Is... she gone? I don't want to look into her eyes again... That woman is evil... She frightens me." [/color]he said, a chill ran down his spine. [color=fff79a]"Anyways..."[/color] he said, getting up and cleaning his clothes with his hands. [color=fff79a]"I'm sorry for making you all see me in this sorry state. As Polyanna said to you, I was... eh... trapped for four months. Sealed between dimensions."[/color] he said awkwardly. [color=fff79a]"I needed more space on my room for my studies, so... you know... I tried to transfer it to a pocked dimension. The problem is that... it is very, very hard to weave such complicated knots, specially messing with time and space... Those strings are tricky. And I pulled one that I shouldn't have... The result is that now that room is sealed in another dimension... I cant open it, the strings are too many, and are too tangled for me to try to touch them. That room is currently unreachable by any means. I don't know what is inside... Meh... It was just a tiny mistake."[/color] he said, smiling awkwardly. [color=fff79a]"Viola, Xinhua, Luna, everyone, thank you for helping me."[/color] he said bowing. "Lee... eh... thank you..." he said, stumbling on his words. [color=fff79a]"I... That spell you casted, it helped me very much. It was a beautiful spell."[/color] He said, hinting that it helped him more than only physically. [color=fff79a]"Thank you."[/color] he said, extending his hands to her. Looking down, he remembered the fact that his hands were... different. Quickly retracting and tucking them on one of the folds of his clothes, he said. [color=fff79a]"I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget that my body is rather... unique. Don't worry, i'm used to people getting scared, afraid or getting away from them." [/color]he said, looking down to his legs and arms.[color=fff79a] "I need to eat and drink something urgently. Its been four months, and I will need every single bit of energy I can get to help me facing that woman..."[/color] he said, with a nervous smile, regaining his composure. Giving a step forward, he fell on the ground again. [color=fff79a]"I'm sorry... Can I ask one more favor? I'm still to weak and I don't know if I will be able to go to the ceremony by myself. If you help me though, you might get late, so I will understand if you chose to go ahead."[/color] he said. [color=fff79a]"Again, i'm deeply sorry for making you worry about me. I promise that you wont have to bother with me again."[/color] he said, smiling. [@Rune_Alchemist] [@SlashInfinite] [@TheHangedMan] [@Leoven]